www.Yes-Dear.One  Sep ’24

print version

– a treatise –

galaxy image stylized to resemble an eye

Three Discoveries Greatly Revealing

How and What

All Existing Really Is

But these three – listed shortly below –

 rather muchly challenge views

dominating especially Western culture presently . .

 hence are dismissed, ignored,

or have even been spun

to conceal what actually occurred :

prevent what was actually observed leaking out.

We felt moved to draw attention to these three

after hearing no less than a NASA  Astrophysicist

share how he came to embrace

a very non conventional perspective on existence

 explored after thoroughly examining , scrutinizing these Three

 that also help affirm the perspective he shared . .

. . plus provide greatly helpful contexts

supporting growing into much fuller, much healthier ways

of understanding, comprehending, and relating to

 all and everything, all existing.

click image or here for article

And then,

(  just as this site was nearing ready to announce)

Chicago University Press released

 this rather astounding watershed admission  

Per The Wall Street Journal:

“. . molecular biology and the pervasive language of genes

 have obscured life’s true nature.”

Quoting the book, The  Journal continued:

Life  “ will not be found in the genome ”  [i.e: DNA] . .

it   “does not resemble any instruction booklet ever made by humans.

The  Journal then concluded:

“ Living things* cannot be reduced to a parts list.”

* better would be:  Living beings cannot be reduced…

Plus this Spring  (2024)

no less than Nobel Prize-winning physicist Adam Riess

commenting on yet another recent, inexplicable discovery acknowledged:

“. . the real and exciting possibility we have misunderstood the universe.”

Additional mainstream acknowledgments of  vast unexplained wonders

also included herein opened us to share these


Although as yet not widely known, Botanists observed the First, quite fundamental one

a century ago, plus acknowledge Science still cant explain it — the most frank ones.

The Second challenges prevailing views so much it’s denied and suppressed . .

 But most anyone can observe such via apparatus commonly available in home kitchens ! !

NASA rocketed into the Third —  the biggest mindblow, by WAY far physically . .

But subsequently suppressed and spun it : desperate to cover up what was actually observed,

after the powers that be realized how much it threatens views  dominating presently.

All THREE threaten sacred cows,

hence are at best misjudged, generally.

A number of additional, supporting discoveries,

 – especially very recent ones in astronomy – are also included,

all following this further disclosure :

By now you may be beginning to sense were something of outsiders

—  not least because weve had unusual experiences in a number of ways .  .

most profoundly:   NearDeath Experiences:

glimpses how we humans experience existence after a lifetime on Earth.

If  unfamiliar,

among numerous examples now known:

To our knowledge,

Howard Storm had the most extensive,

 very revealing NearDeath Experience,


 and he shared those wonders in a book called

My Descent into Death.

Nowadays his book is behind a paywall online, though not expensive.

 But he has also given online interviews about it that are quite complete . .

some available on YouTube, hence are free.

We havent viewed them all, but in this video

he very generously shares the most revealing aspects he experienced.

Those run the gamut from rather HORRENDOUS – on the one hand –

. . to maximally Divinely, exquisitely SUBLIME at the other end of the spectrum.

By the way: Prior to his NearDeath Experience, he was an avowed atheist.

But afterwards he jumped to the opposite pole: became a preacher ! !

Also – If we were titling his book: In addition to sharing his glimpse of death,

after that he shares an ASCENT, a glimpse into our true home

in the world of  The Divine – In Eternity, really,

where we get refurbished and refreshed —  not least to prepare for what comes next.

    The first part of Howards account

 is kind of  like a scene in The

promotional pic for Wizard of Oz movie

 For those unfamiliar, or needing

 a reminder of that movie , 

 or the books:

In that scene while they are “Over the Rainbow, way up high . .” 

(where they spend most of the movie)

especially the scarecrow gets attacked by winged monkeys,

whence lots of his straw stuffing gets scattered about

– ripped out of  his belly especially: He nearly gets destroyed ! !

His companions also get roughed up. But then they help stuff the scarecrow back together,

thence they all get rehabilitated in the recycling . .  or, better : the rejuvenation center

of the towering, magnificently magical Emerald City, under the direction of the wondrous Wizard.

Thus recovered, healed and reenthused, Dorothy’s companions are then ready

 to begin the rest of their rather astounding journey

that ends in triumph!

oval illustration of triumphantly smiling Dorothy plus companions

After exploring the Three Discoveries, the maximally deep,

maximally profound reason this fantasy has remained so captivating

for over a century will become more accessible.

For now, well just mention that core issue is also very relevant

to what’s primarily driving the tortures

especially Ukrainians are suffering so horribly nowadays: also to be addressed then. 


We leave to your own initiative, Dear Reader,

to explore the wonders Howard Storm experienced.*

*also linked above

 We call Earth

The Planet of Lessons:

We humans spend time here

because we can gain capacities and abilities,

acquire lessons here we cant get anywhere else,

any other way.

  Some experiences are  DELICIOUS !

 — Others can take a while to get over . .

. . sometimes a LONG while …


 Were certainly not claiming

 this earthly aspect of existence is perfect:

 There are all sorts of influences in the world of  The Divine,

and They dont always cooperate well together.

But it does all come out in the wash called eternity . .  

. .  eventually, sooner or later…

Fight it how one will . .

deny Them however :

 Theres no escaping The Divine.

 And once one gets

 enough glimpse of   Them,

 one doesnt want to !

— Thats the scrumptious sort, of course…

Heres one more brief mention of exquisite reading material

mayhap some of you know:

The Little Prince.

The author had a NearDeath Experience about a century ago,

then shared his experience more in the form of a fairy tale.

Heres our favorite translation from the original French

of the exceedingly precious secret the Little Prince shares

as if learned from a fox:

 “ Solely ones heart

 can fully grasp how things truly are . .

   What’s most essential is invisible to eyes.”

What the Little Prince is actually referring to:

Solely with what spiritual initiates call ones heart Chakra . .

. . solely along with how ones heart

engages with ones experiences

can one fully sense, and grasp

how and what things really are …

In typical day consciousness nowadays,

we live much more on the SURFACE of reality,

not least caught up in all sorts of speculating and theories…

– Hence life tends to be rather challenging if not overwhelming at times.

 What initiates call enlightenment

refers to ones heart chakra

becoming the primary focus in experiencing and sensing

all and everything as fully as possible.

Again, that short but so wondrous tale is :

“ The Little Prince”

written by an author

whose last name is Exupery.

Here’s Wikipedia
   on this wonder.

Christos Jesus disciples had a similar experience:

 “ Werent our hearts ablaze within us while He was talking with us . .

and explaining the Scriptures to us? ”

Luke 24:32

Also, when children feel at a loss:

“Mama, I want Mama ! ”

Men tend to be more in their heads and will, than their heart :

We humans got split into two by  The Fall …

(  Thank Goodness that polarity

is gradually weakening nowadays, 

eventually headed back into unity again.)

Perusing these Three Discoveries greatly helps reveal perspectives

wherein chakras at least become approachable,

even understandable:

actually very helpful,

as explored in considerable detail below.

We also want to mention one other remarkable human being

we wish everyone knew about:

Jacques Luysseran:

He was a crucial asset to the French underground

resisting the Nazi occupation during World War II.

A tragic accident blinded him in childhood ,

but thence he acquired second sight:

He could, for instance, have much awareness

of what was out of sight on the other side of a hill ! !

Heres the cover of an audiobook version of his extraordinary autobiography:

audiobook cover of And There Was Light

click image for Wikipedia on him
(or here).

His book is close to the top of our suggested reading list.

Full Disclosure:

Now in senior decades as pretty much rejected outsiders,

we well know how easy it is for such ideas to push peoples buttons,

hence we rarely mention our perspectives,

really on anything, to pretty much anyone:

It seems only rare Americans can take us full strength . .

Hence, we arent sharing anything like full strength herein.


 Since we well know how easy it is for many if not most Americans

to reject such, were not expecting any sort of popularity.

As the psalm says:

“ To everything there is a season: ”

Each of us has ones own . .  ones own unique destiny — in case you hadnt noticed :

Each of us has ones own unique gifts, ones own unique potentials . .

– Most still incubating . .


Eternity takes quite a while to the finish.

You may know that even identical twins do not have completely identical fingerprints:

A human being is vastly much more than a collection of genes.

— whether  theyre  Levis . .

or whatever sort …

Apologies: We love puns …


 Earth is the Planet of Lessons

. . lessons we cant get anywhere else, in any other way.

Thats basically why The Divine made Earth and ever sustain it .

And, of course:

 Some lessons are harder to take, or to learn than others

Also:  Although were not in full strength mode,

these three phenomena are pretty much MIND BLOWS

to mind sets that prevail, especially in the West nowadays.

— Alright . .  However arrogant it may sound :

Here are Three Fundamental Contradictions to Natural Science

– the current  Western version (s)

First Experience / Phenomenon

Our experiences have engendered in us quite some noses

for phenomena prevailing views overlook or misinterpret

in every field of science :

from ultramicroscopy to geology . . 

to solar physics . .  to cosmology. .

— and especially :   Biology.

In college, feeling called to work with medicinal plants,

one of us took a course in botany

– which turned out to be a HUGE disappointment

because it was just conventional ideas

about plant PHYSIOLOGY in general. .

But were HUGELY GRATEFUL for that course,

especially because one day the professor projected a film

documenting an exceedingly seminal experiment

conducted at Kew Gardens, just outside London, England :

You may know that facility has been the primary global center of botanical research

ever since the Age of Exploration, when naturalists began returning to England

with plant specimens from all around the world, a few hundred years ago.

The experiment was conducted between the two World Wars:

Wanting to learn more how sap flows inside plants,

they attached a fullgrown tree:  at least fifty feet tall if not much more –

to a huge crane, then cut the tree free from its roots

as close to the ground and as fast as possible with a lumberjack power saw,

whence the crane immediately lifted the tree up,

thence lowered the cut base of the trunk

back down into a huge vat full of a physiologic solution,

including a dye contrasting with the green of the leaves.

One could thus readily observe what happened

as the dye rose upward inside the tree,

becoming visible as it spread into the trees leaves:

most noticeable in the veins of the leaves.

Then in just a few minutes, the dye reached the trees  TOPMOST  leaves !

Something close to 100 feet up if not more !!!

It was as if some invisible giant

were sucking on the top of the tree like a straw !

But most astonishing

was knowing a vacuum pump can only suck water thirty-two feet high

(even at sea level  — which Kew Gardens is just a bit above). 

Hence:  Even a stupendously superhuman giant

would be completely unable to match that feat ! !

The student’s jaw was thus figuratively collapsed onto the floor

knowing Natural Science has no explanation for what he was witnessing .

As mentioned :

Botanists nowadays admit there are multiple ways

natural science cannot explain how sap and substances stream inside plants ! !

E.g :  This very comprehensive, highly technical review of the literature  concludes:

“ So, from the point of view of a physicist,

plants remain full of mysteries.”

Similarly :

Some clouds, especially some cirrus type

picture of cirrus clouds

– those whispy thin, highest of clouds:

inexplicably FLOAT

at the same, extreme high altitudes

for up to thousands of miles . .

despite being denser than the air beneath them :

Meteorologists say those clouds are actually ice crystals ! !

And yet they FLOAT ! ! !

Next in the Kew Gardens experiment,

after the dye had become visible in the topmost leaves,

the crane then lifted the tree up again,

thence lowered it into a second vat with strong ACID,

whence he became outofthisworld  astonished

to observe the leaves instantly turning BROWN . .

. . as the acid reached first the lower leaves,

then in just minutes higher and higher :

All the leaves turned BROWN

until the very topmost leaves were also instantly killed.


First the dye solution got sucked all the way to the top . .

thence the instantdeath solution

was also sucked ALL THE WAY UP ! !

That experiment demonstrates no known MECHANICAL , 

nor  BIOLOGICAL  . .  nor physiological,

nor even any recognized cellular life process

can explain how sap rises in trees ! ! !

– Especially since the acid immediately killed each cell it reached ,

not least those lining the vessels of the trunk and branches !

Most astounding are redwood trees

soaring up to nearly four hundred feet high ! ! 

drawing of soaring redwood tree plus its roots penetrating deep into Earth


Skyscrapers that tall require multiple pump stations

to keep pressures in the pipes

from needing pipe bursting levels to push water up so high ! ! 

There are also no pumps in a redwood trees multiple stories of roots

anchoring that skyscraper deep inside Mother Earth.

But somehow those trees

are ever sucking and pushing Her life-sustaining sap upward,

ever nursing countless thirsty cells up to hundreds more feet above !

 Plus roots in some tree species

have been found reaching as far as almost four hundred feet deep !!

Trees are thus inexplicably able to somehow lift or suck water

almost a  THOUSAND  FEET  HIGH  ! ! !

Not just trees:

 Plants in general would utterly fail a physics course !!

Every time one notices any plant, even just a single blade of grass,

one is witnessing a manifestation of numerous processes and activities

prevailing natural science is helpless to explain how they occur,

what so magnificently elegantly arranges and drives them ! !

Theres now rather a long list of all the ways plants are inexplicable.

And theyre just one aspect of existence

=> We humans kind of  take the world for GRANTED 


 Basically the same inexplicable process

 is ever active in every human leg:

How does blood return to the heart, especially when standing?

There is no pump in ones feet . .

Nor is there a pressure gradient between ones feet and ones heart

to overcome gravity.

Lymphatic flow is also, if not more  puzzling:

You may know lymph is a watery  fluid  (some call it tissue juice)

that constantly leaks out of blood capillaries to deliver nutrients

and especially crucial oxygen to the cells of ones body.

Theres a major lymph vessel called the Thoracic Duct :

Lymph in ones toes and feet is constantly streaming out of capillaries,

thence flowing back upwards toward ones heart

through ones legs, then pelvis . .

thence via the Thoracic Duct along the spine inside ones trunk,

all the way up to the base of ones neck !

anatomical drawing of interior of chest cavity with only ribs in ones back visible, illustrating major lymphatic vessels along the spine

. . where the lymph re-enters the blood inside the great veins:

thereby merging back into, reuniting with the bodys blood circulation system

as blood flows back down into ones heart.

As with a tree:

There is no pump in ones feet nor legs to drive lymph upward,

especially not when muscles are relaxed while sitting, nor during sleep.

Lymphatic flow is the function in we humans most similar,

most analogous to sap inexplicably flowing inside plants.

 By the way :

It’s interesting the last name of the author who strove to inspire,

lift we humans upward via the tales of  Oz

is the German word for tree :  Baum..

(and quite similar to English: bough.)

Second Experience / Phenomenon

That same semester half a century ago,

a few anthroposophists,

one a professor, the other a physician, plus one of us

duplicated an experiment a European anthroposophist repeated monthly

for a number of   YEARS, demonstrating

—  tighten SEAT  BELT  ! :

Plant seeds increase in MASS

when sprouting inside an AIR-TIGHT container !


Create matter out of   NOTHING!! – ? ? ! !

You may know the only exception to the Law of Conservation of  Matter

natural science acknowledges is nuclear FUSION,

which obviously does not occur inside a baby food jar:

the airtight container we used .

– But nuclear fusion does not result

in a NET GAIN in MASS :

Rather: Mass  DECREASES  due to MASSIVE amounts of energy released, of course. 

Here are the details:

The baby food jar was double sealed by placing a thick layer of glue

between the lids edge and the neck of the glass jar.

 Hence:  There was no way for any gas to move into nor out of the jar.

After a couple of weeks, the sprouts that emerged from the soaked seeds

had consumed all the carbon dioxide inside the jar – CO2 –

whence the sprouts stopped growing :

hence there was no more gain in weight.

– By then a little bit of mold had started growing on them.

But that also stopped growing.

That jar was kept for decades afterwards,

 but the sprouts and traces of mold remained frozen in time:

That clearly demonstrates there was no gas exchange between the inside

and the outside of that jar: It was an air-tight seal.

 – Otherwise the sprouts would have soon turned into compost.

The weight GAIN was similar to the European results:

around TEN % of  the  DRY weight of the seeds ! !

(at least a hundred times more than the accuracy of the scale we used.)

Thats an experience anyone can have at home with a sealed jar :

Just requires a scale sensitive enough to detect

around a 10% gain in the dry weight of the sprouting seeds sealed inside.

By the way:

The multi-year series of this experiment in Europe

was conducted by a scientist

who sealed the seeds inside glass ampules

like sterile drugs are distributed in   →

with consistent results monthly for years.

But most everyone just dismissed it,

believed there must have been microscopic holes that let air inside.

The baby food jar evidence demonstrates there was no air getting in nor out:

Once all the CO2 had been absorbed by photosynthesis in the leaves,

plus the bit of mold consumed the oxygen as well,

the jar became in effect an airless tomb,

freezing the sprouts in time:

Decades of suspended animation.

Also, if memory serves:

We used the same sort of seeds in repeating his experiments:

 mustard seeds.

They are readily available in most grocery stores. Theyre also rather small,

hence may be among the most likely species of seed to show measurable gain in weight.

– It’s quite the mind blow:

Sprouting SEEDS create matter ??? !!!


Memory holds what seems even more impossible,

that the series in Europe demonstrated

seeds not only tend to INcrease in weight during the waxing moon,

but tend to DECREASE  in weight

if sprouted during the WANING moon ! !

We immersed the seeds at a New Moon.

Hence: We suggest if you try this yourself :

Start the seeds sprouting at a New Moon:

when it begins waxing .

  — Or :  Start at the full moon

and see if their weight decreases!!

Goodness knows how many hours we could fill with examples

how prevailing views are helpless at explaining existence,

from endless details in embryology and physiology . .  to cosmology.

 Several such have been shared on the web in some anonymous sites

we dont blame the authors for wanting to be unknown.

— Who wants persecution ! !

 One is I Dont Know.Club.

Its also a portal with links to several other sites,

and if one follows all the links, one reaches some anthroposophical sites,

hence at least some of the authors are (or were) anthroposophists.

The most extensive site it links to is What Is Inside.Earth.

Thats a comprehensive dissertation how all sorts of geological evidence,

especially seismology – the science of earthquakes:

Lots of evidence glaringly contradicts currently prevailing theories

about the interior of our home planet, Earth.

And if Earth is very different,

the entire edifice of cosmology collapses,

not least because theories about gravity are also demolished

– at least muchly disrupted.

Third Experience / Phenomenon

By far in magnitude physically,

the most mindblowing, paradigmdemolishing phenomenon

is what the Voyager SPACE PROBES discovered,

detected earlier this century

— the second probe as well.

—  WARNING !  Make sure seat belts are SECURELY  fastened:

This mind blow has COSMIC proportions ! !  

You may know NASA launched the two Voyager probes in the late 1970s

in somewhat different directions:

Theyre around 120 degrees apart now,

 and both WAY OUT past Pluto:

 one of the furthest planetlike members of the Solar System.

You may also know those two identical probes

were launched to take advantage of what astronomers call

The Grand Tour:

Every two centuries the outer planets, especially the giant ones:

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune:

Those four get close to all lining up

in a straight line on the same side of the Sun.

And since those major planets

all orbit the Sun in nearly the same vast cosmic plane,

its possible for a single space probe to fly close to each planet,

just requiring minor course corrections

 to reach the next one when theyre lined up.

By the way:

You may know those two probes

made many invaluable discoveries via numerous instruments,

plus took fabulous pictures of those giant outer planets,

revealing all sorts of features never seen nor known before:

Its certainly one of, if not by far

the greatest bang for the buck NASA ever achieved . .

– other than manned missions, of course . .

Heres the mindblow:

Each probe has a Solar Wind Detector

that records values of current generated

when a solar wind particle strikes it :

the amperage is then converted mathematically into velocity. .

– according to current theories in atomic physics, of course.

NASA photo of Voyager probe with arrow pointing to Solar Wind detector, plus close-up image of detector


You may know astrophysicists consider Solar Wind

a stream of subatomic, nuclear radiation ALPHA particles

that ever shoot out from the Sun


Hundreds of miles per SECOND ! !

— WAY faster than pretty much anything else in existence ! !

— That is already a big question :

What drives all that  VASTACCELERATION ? ?

A question astronomers themselves ask and wonder about ! !

You may also know those radiation particles are thought to be

the reason those who rocket above Earths protective atmosphere

see sparkles of light,

due to such particles striking the retina in their eyes.

 — For now, we’ll just mention :

Astronomers also acknowledge

current theories the Sun

is a ginormous nuclear fusion device


are contradicted

by their observations of vast flames →

 shooting out and away from the Sun,

called the Corona:

Those flames are a THOUSAND times hotter

than temperatures astronomers measure beneath them ! !

That vast temperature difference

colossally contradicts

ideas the Sun’s vast heat

 is due to a stupendously vastly hot core:

To be the source of heat

blasting those thousand-times hotter flames outward,

the region of the Sun beneath them

would have to be LOTS  HOTTER

than the flames themselves.

 But observations consistently indicate the opposite ! !

Unable to imagine any other source of the Sun’s vast heat,

astronomers try to distract attention away

from this ginormous  inexplicable contradiction

by just shrugging it off as

the “ Coronal Heating problem.”

Wikipedia’s article on the Sun

discusses this contradiction in some detail.

After examining what The Voyager probes revealed,

what The Sun actually IS will become more accessible.

Somewhat over a decade ago,

as the probes kept rocketing ever farther away

after completing each of their Grand Tours . .

already then long past the orbit of Pluto

– what is now considered a dwarf planet:

 one of the furthest known planetlike bodies in the Solar System . .

Way out there PAST Pluto:

–  Really unimaginably vastly far away –

First one,

 then the other probes solar wind detector about a year later

started reporting  ! !  LOWER ? . .  then LOWER  still,

 and then even LOWER  values

indicating Solar Wind

 had suddenly started  DECELERATING ! ! ? ?

in that unimaginably vast distance so far away. .

Where supposedly essentially nothing is,

 the vacuum of outer space…

— Supposedly the probes are just in a huge, vast void

with just some solar wind shooting through it.

Again: Its not at all like wind on Earth:

Per theoretical physics:

Solar Wind is unimaginably tiny subatomic particles

that travel at unimaginably VAST SPEED :

many orders of magnitude faster

 than the fastest rocket ever !

. . as well as much faster

than the planets fly in their orbits around the Sun !!

—  Only light travels faster ! !

For the preceding THREE DECADES

as the probes were rocketing

ever farther away from us,

solar wind had been measured

at basically that same vast velocity

– all those gillions of miles.

But way out past Pluto,

over the course of nearly three years:

First one, then the other probe:

Both reported back the same pattern

as the probes continued rocketing

ever farther away from us and the Sun:

Day after day during those years,

the detectors reported back lower,

then LOWER still,

then even SLOWER velocities,

as if some invisible brake pad

– or something like a scifi, alien‐world  tractor beam

had been very lightly applied

to EACH unimaginably tiny particle of solar wind . .

then held constant at that slight pressure

for nearly THREE YEARS,

thus gradually  DE celerating . .  slowing each particle . .

until finally there was


After steadily slowing down over almost THREE YEARS !!!

. . as the Voyager probes kept rocketing

ever further away from us back here on Earth…

! ! NO more solar wind detected  ! ! ? ?

— As if all of it ceased existing entirely, altogether  ! ! ? ? ?

Three YEARS! ! ! ? ? ? – Gradually slower and slower velocity,

steadily slower over Three YEARS ? ? ?

. . down to NOTHING  ! ! ? ? ?

Heres NASAs graphic indicating where the two Voyager probes are presently,

 plus weve added indications

where the Solar Wind finally died,

ceased altogether WAY OUT PAST PLUTO.

tiny Solar System image showing Voyagers far outside it, plus indications where they were when Solar Wind ceased

click image for source,* then drag mouse vertically
to collapse Solar System into a line.

*Oops! Sadly, we just noticed Chrome is unable to display this function
(on our old machine). Does work in Firefox;
perhaps it will work on newer machines in Chrome.

During those years the probes travelled nearly a billion miles, hence:

The further they rocketed away from the Sun and us,

the slower the velocity of the wind,


ceased existing . . 

!‐!‐?  ceased EXISTING ? ? ?  ! ! !

NASA then burned goodness knows how much figurative latenight oil

checking and doublechecking what they did NEXT

until utterly satisfied they had eliminated any hiccups,

whence they sent a command to one of the probes

to revolve in a complete circle:



do a 360 !

—  As the Voyager photograph above*  illustrates,

*click to open in

new window/tab

each Solar Wind detector is essentially a flat panel,

hence is able to detect any wind coming

from anywhere in onehalf of the entire universe,

envisioned as an unimaginably vast globe

or sphere 360° round in every direction.

As soon as the probe began revolving away

from pointing its huge dish antenna at Earth,

Mission Control lost contact, of course.

Thence it took perhaps an hour or two when housekeeping may have been called

to mop up all the sweat dropping onto the Mission Control floor

as the staff frantically twirled their rosary beads

praying they had not lost contact forever . .

( – might be a slight exaggeration …)

One can imagine the shouts of relief and triumph

when the probe resumed contact

after its cosmic pirouette:

“WHEW ! !   STILL HAVE MY JOB ! ! ! ”

But most CRUCIALLY: 

The probe reported back NO solar wind detected . .


The detector remained silent ! !

That means NO STELLAR WIND was detected

from ANY star in the ENTIRE UNIVERSE ! ! !

Then almost a year later the second Voyager repeated all the ABOVE !

In other words:

Complete confirmation:


with Identical equipment ! !

Again: The detectors are essentially just a flat panel.

Hence: When they did those 360s,

they would have detected any stellar wind coming



When we saw that report ,

innerly, figuratively:

More than one of us collapsed on the floor


Think about it: What is so astonishing? . .

Here are some Solar System Stats helping reveal that questions answer :

Earths escape velocity25,000 mph
Mercury orbital speed107,082 mph
fastest probe:
    Parker space probe
365,000 mph
Suns escape velocity? ~ 1,380,000 mph  ?  – theoretical, of course…

Solar Wind  ~ 1,000,000 mph = 100’s of miles

     per SECOND ! !

The above stats demonstrate:

Solar Wind is vastly faster than pretty much anything else,

including planets in their orbits.

Heres THE ISSUE :  Basic physics:

Do you know what Newtons First Law of Motion is ?

click this line to reveal the ANSWER:  

Hence: The maximally LOUDLY BLARING QUESTION is _____? ? ?

. . after taking however much time you wish to ponder

what vast question /s  this event raises, you can

click THIS LINE to reveal this QUESTION of  QUESTIONS ! !

Before addressing this question of questions,

here are more relevant details of this cosmic‐scale mind blow:

It took almost a year before NASA started reporting

this utterly mindboggling,  twice observed  phenomenon.

They accurately reported what had occurred, as described above,

but didnt dare comment in ANY WAY !!!

=>  No attempt whatsoever to explain that astounding discovery

by BOTH PROBES !!  =>  Duplicated results ! !

– By the way, as the Solar System image above illustrates:

Since the two probes were flying numerous astronomic degrees –

in other words, were BILLIONS of miles apart then,

its clear this phenomenon is UNIVERSAL. –

Some years later we checked NASAs site again,

But the original reports

were nowhere to be FOUND ! !

Instead, they had posted vague and utterly unsubstantiated ideas

claiming the probes had moved into “interstellar space”

  . . asserting they were in a “doldrum”

 where Solar Wind

was colliding with wind from all the countless STARS.

But they didnt make any mention

how BOTH probes

reported GRADUAL DECELERATION over nearly three YEARS

it took the Solar Wind to slow down

and finally STOP,

cease altogether

as the probes rocketed

ever further away from us:

— No way they wanted to open that can of worms =>


Let that  raging

paradigm-shredding  monstrous cat  out of the bag! ! !

But we had seen the original reports,

hence knew they had swung each probe in a 360° complete circle,

whence BOTH probes reported back:

NO solar . .

nor  STELLAR  wind detectable

from ANY direction AT ALL ! ! !

In other words:

NASA was desperately trying to pull a nonexistent rabbit

OUT OF THE HAT to distract us all —

as well as at least some of themselves . .

Distract ALL of us from noticing what actually occurred,

what both probes detected.

PLUS:  Its an astronomically VAST STRETCH

to imagine subatomic particles

the Solar Wind is thought to BE

colliding with any STELLAR wind(s)

— the latter conjectured to also rocket along

at unimaginably vast speed —

would result in GRADUAL deceleration

of EACH of countless particles

over nearly THREE YEARS of any such collisions ? ? ? ! ! !

==> That would be supercalifragilistic expialidocious  happenings ! ! !

— Gonna have to come up with sumpin better than that one, guys ! ! !

Not least because the probes

were also unable to detect any stellar winds whatsoever ! !

Fortunately for us all:

The Internet Wayback Machine (AKA Internet Archive)

captured NASAs original reports

describing gradual deceleration over nearly three years,

plus the absence of any more wind from any direction ever since.


Anyone can read for themselves

what NASA desperately wants to quash:

Just surf to this web page, then scroll down . .

— or search that page for “failing”

to highlight the link to the Wayback Machine page.

There are also some additional phenomena described on that page

that also defy current theories about the universe (AKA existence).

And Royal Astronomers are discussing additional fundamental anomalies.

Plus astronomers are also befuddled

by numerous cases of stars suddenly disappearing without a trace!

How could such supposedly, virtually unimaginably massive objects

suddenly cease to exist?

Heretofore stars were only thought to VERY gradually contract over eons,

or explode as a supernova.

And here are yet more examples

of astronomers stumped by what they can only imagine are massive galaxies

despite only being visible as very tiny clumps of light

even in the most powerful telescopes.


It is utterly unthinkable to currently prevailing views of the universe

what the two Voyager probes independently each detected, discovered,

the second one confirming the first . . in particular :

Gradual DEceleration over three years to  ZERO VELOCITY


Plus no less astounding is utter ABSENCE of any evidence


In other words  . .

— Fasten seat belt ! ! – Brace position ! ! ! – Air bag turned on, at the ready ? ! ! !

Newtons First Law of Motion

SOLELY applies within the Solar System ! ! !

Newton headshot

 ? ?  W H A T ? ?

! !  H i s L A W S   A I  N’ T  U N I V E R S A L ? ? ? ! ! !


The bedrock bottom, most fundamental axiom

 Western Science has held immutable

for centuries

A I N T ! ! ? ? ! !

The unthinkable reality is:

Those two probes are now traveling B E Y O N D,

o u t s i d e  S P A C E ! !

as we experience it in the Solar System

(while in a body on Earth, of course).

— Or perhaps more accurately:

The probes are  extending space, stretching it wider.

Cinch seat belt even tighter:

 This discovery demonstrates:

=> The idea of Space is really just an abstraction…

Plus MOST CRUCIALLY    —  HANG ON  ! ! ! :

The Stars are NOTHING AT ALL like the Sun ! !

There is SOLELY ONE SUN . .  in all existence.

There is no matter outside the Solar System ! ! !

*               *               *               *               *               *               *

–  OK:  So now you all know were absolutely totally bonkers,

over–the–moon  stark raving crazy mad  ! ! !

 OHHH ! ! !   How colossally vastly much simpler that would be ! ! !  —

—  Only The Divine may have some idea how long it will take

especially Western humanity to begin . .

— much less   finish  wrapping its collective head

all the way around these paradigm shredders !!!

  For now:

Here are some additional, helpful details:

You may know the star astronomers imagine is closest to our Solar System,

the one they call PROXIMA – or proximal – Centauri:

Proxima Centauri

– because its in the constellation traditionally called Centaur:

the p indicates its location;

it’s only visible via powerful telescopes.

image source

Astronomers speculate that allegedly CLOSEST of ALL stars

is so unimaginably VASTLY far AWAY,

they claim it would take nearly an entire human LIFETIME . .

for even some scifi fantasy spaceship to reach it,

even if it were possible for that spaceship

to race unimaginably fast

at a TENTH of the speed of LIGHT  ! ! !

— It would still take DECADES to get there  ?  ?  ?  !  !  !


than the fastest rocket or space probe ever  ! !

=> 200 X FASTER  ! ! !

That rocket reached 365 THOUSAND mph (365,000)

or just over 100 MILES per SECOND  ! ! !

– and that was only possible due to a gravity assist  ! !

  => 200 X FASTER would be 73 MILLION miles per hour  ! ! !

. . to get to the CLOSEST   Star . .

? ? ?   It would still take nearly half a CENTURY  ? ? ?  ! ! !

That speed would take just over an hour

to rocket from here all the way to the Sun ! ! !

 Even at that utterly mindboggling, UTTERLY IMPOSSIBLE  speed,

it would still take nearly half a CENTURY to get to the CLOSEST star  ! ! !  ? ?

An hour  to the Sun –  –

Nearly half a CENTURY to the closest star  ! ! !  ?  ?  ?  ?

Its supposedly 250 THOUSAND  TIMES farther away than the Sun is . .

250 THOUSAND  TIMES the distance to the Sun ! ! !

Thats really sorta like hugely far away . .

— actually:

  unimaginablyvastly  FAR  FAROUT  ! ! !

– Theres no independent confirmation of any of those starry ideas, obviously.

=>>  Theyre really just fantasies, utterlyUNPROVEN.

Also keep in mind :

Even in the most massively powerful telescopes nowadays,

stars are just single points of light !

(at most a few microscopic pixels wide.)

Consequently :

Claims by astronomers of having discovered planets around stars

are solely based on observing barely detectable fluctuations

in the intensity of the teensy pinpoint of  light astronomers call a star.

Such ideas are thus rather remote from established fact, obviously.

E.g: Top-ranked journal Science

just published dozens of astronomers acknowledging

a recent telescope discovery

muchly defies current theories

about stars and planets.


NASA recently released a rather extraordinary discovery

evident in the below image

from by far the most powerful telescope,

the James Webb far out in space:

telescope image of large cluster of very remote linear green streaks among distant stars

click image for source (or here)

(You may know each bright or pale dot is called a star.)

To our knowledge,

such linear streaks,

like the one just beneath the dotted orange line at bottom

the arrow points to,

have never been observed before.

Assuming – as NASA does –

these are vastly far away in their speculations about galaxies

would make them unimaginably vastly  LONG !!

Hence also vastly multiple times longer

than the alleged, unimaginably vast distance

from us to the closest star ! ! !

Unsurprisingly,  NASA made no attempt  whatsoever

  to speculate what those mindboggling streaks represent.

There are all sorts of reasons

to doubt those streaks represent anything

other than massively far from similar

to anything we experience

while what we ordinarily call being awake:

They’re really not at all a part :

Actually do not at all belong

to what is commonly considered the world of matter.

Also relevant is astronomers are now suspecting

Earth is actually at the center

of an astronomically VASTLY HUGE VOID !

One astronomer has even concluded :

“ It’s possible we’re

the only inhabited planet in the galaxy or in the universe.”

Following the next section indicating ways

one can grow into understanding existence differently,

much more satisfyingly . .

what the Webb image has revealed

will become more approachable.


This NASA video of the Sun demonstrates

the Sun is much more active

– as well as somewhat wider –

near Its equator

than at Its poles !

. . .as the below image demonstrates . .

captured from video linked above.

image of sun

thus revealing:

The Sun fires most of its vastly unimaginably massive light and warmth

into the plane of the Solar System !


— not least targeting the Earth —

Fir es comparatively little energy elsewhere!


The Sun virtually exclusively envelopes,

embraces the plane of the Solar System ! !

Somehow avoids wasting most of  Its vast, so lovingly warm energy,

as would be the case if it were just a mindless ball of energy

firing light and warmth outward in every direction ! !

If there is some phenomenon defying current ideas in science even more,

it’s doing a cosmically fabulously colossal  job of  hiding ! ! !

Plus now here’s yet another instance

of scientists pushing past what had seemed irref utable understandings:

“ Together, Earth and life form a single, self-regulating system…”

There are many

“. . reason[s] to regard our planet as a living entity as we do ourselves :

“ a truth no longer substantiated by intuition alone, nor by one man’s vision,

“ but by a preponderance of scientific evidence.”

= >       Ever more evidence is now emerging ever more rapidly     

 demonstrating existence is very much different

from ideas that have dominated since up to centuries ago . .

especially in the West.

 The era of  The  Cosmic Orphan

 is now rapidly fading into the past.       < =

 Before diving into understandably neglected, rather deep, crucial waters . .

 Here’s just one more of countless examples of mind bogglingly inexplicable wonders

 —  although a bit gruesome:

 Criminals desperate to prevent their fingerprints from identifying them

 have had all that skin scraped off.

 But somehow those countless gillions of skin cells respond like:

 “ No problem: ”

 They just race to the rescue, and in virtually no time

 recreate the same wondrously unique pattern ! !

 There’s no way we so thick-headed, clueless humans

 can come anywhere even a solar system if not universe close

 to grasping how such vast hoards of cells on each fingertip

 all coordinate so perfectly well . .

 vastly out-classing even the below stage full of dancers spectacularly repeating

 a barrage of quick reverses and kicks in fabulously perfect unison

  at end of  the movie   A Chorus Line:

 — OK . .  Since youre still here:


Heres what Reality really is . .

— despite dismissal by current Western mindsets.

Also included below is how an astronomer naively,

unintentionally affirmed a crucial aspect :

The  KEY REASON  so much of Western humanity

has been so desperately clinging

to baselessly believing stars are like the Sun . .

plus also drives astronomers fantasies about black holes.

In ANCIENT times when humanity

— anyone and everyone as far as we know —

Back then when any of we  humans looked at the night sky,

our chakras were still at least somewhat open –

what nowadays especially Westerners generally dont experience,

and many ridicule.

Chakras are organs of perception in our life forces

that when awakened, grant us experiences

similar to how angelic beings experience existence :

Since chakras provide at least glimpses of what reality actually is,

 back then we humans didnt have such limited, such much more superficial,

 such rudimentary and fragmentary ideas about existence

as dominate nowadays, especially in the West.

— Not that modern observations are wrong :

 Full  comprehension  just still has quite a way to go…

Back then via our chakras, we  humans beheld in the heavens

the spiritual  ARCHETYPES  that ever form all existence . .

actually are essential to keeping each one of us ALIVE every moment …

 Hence, back then, in ancient times,

human beings had essentially no interest in individual stars . .

– until several centuries ago when individual stars started getting named

(especially by Arab astronomers).


There is much congruence in the ways different ancient cultures distinguished,

really beheld the various constellations. .

– Despite having little to no contact with other cultures ideas whatsoever.

 If  they were just seeing individual stars like we typically do nowadays,

theres little to no chance there would be any congruence in the archetypal pictures

different ancient cultures perceived when they beheld the heavens.

One way of picturing how chakras help one experience existence more fully

 is the concept of resonance:

Especially musicians become very attuned,

are really always primarily focused on how either their voice or instrument


both with other musicians, as well as just within itself :

The more one is able to open oneself, to resound, as it were,

 to resonate with, sense:

become attuned  with what existence really is

the better one is able to comprehend whatever .

Here is one example,

the constellation ancients named  “Leo”  =  lion

(as seen from the Northern hemisphere :

here is Southern hemisphere view).

source . .

 provides similarly helpful

images of all constellations  

including Centaur above

(By the way, chakras faded away during the first half of Kali Yuga,

( the five-millennial “Age of Darkness” that ended just over a century ago . .

( despite some of our contemporaries believing that age will last vastly much longer.)

But now that humanity is more mature (somewhat),

Rudolf Steiner was able to share what the stars actually are,

especially how those spiritual archetypes

manifest in the microcosm each of us is:

EACH of us is a miniature universe – functionally . .

. . in a number  of ways…

Those archetypes in the heavens –

— Really:  EVERYTHING  is the world of  The Divine . .

Those archetypal dynamics are ever active in forming and governing

especially our senses,

such as touch, sight, and hearing.


 Here’s one example how any sane person

can begin finding ones way into this highly unfamiliar territory :

Below is a micrograph of the unimaginably tiny sensory cells

 inside ones organs of hearing , called Cochlea,

allowing us to perceive the vast variety of sounds we are ever immersed in:

As this image so wondrously reveals,

organs of perception in each of us are so minutely,

really incredibly precisely formed  in unimaginably tiny details:

It is hard to overstate how astounding such vastly minute bits of one single cell are,

each tiny detail crucial to the exquisitely precise functions they perform:

massively magnified image of a few sensory cells in Cochlea, sensory organ of an ear (artificially colorized)


Each of the above clusters of hair-like, bright green fibers

 – lined up like fence posts forming V shaped alcoves –

extend above just one unimaginably tiny, single cell,

such as the one whose fiber platform has been outlined in off-white:

. . those unimaginably tiny fibers arranged in pairs

 very much resembling a tuning fork  ! ! !

— By the way, those are not at all the actual colors:

Electron micrographs are just varying shades from light gray to black.

 (Also: In light microscopes, the tuning forks just look like tiny little hairs . .

 in just slightly varying shades of dark gray.)

Each unimaginably tiny fiber pair actually resonates like a tuning  fork

as sound waves swirl inside the Cochleas   fluid-filled, snaillike spiral form !

There is no way currently prevailing ideas in medicine, nor biology in general,

can come even a  universe close to explaining

how such unimaginably tiny, so exquisitely precisely formed ,

plus so exquisitely elegantly arranged structures arise,

come into being during gestation in ones mothers womb.

– Nor how their vibrations result in our fantastic abilities to hear,

including distinguishing among an almost infinite variety of sounds and timbres.

While most scientists nowadays acknowledge close to ten, if not more senses:

We actually have twelve senses primarily, listed below. .

 Each sense a manifestation,

each actually sculpted and formed so unimaginably magnificently precisely

by archetypal forces ever radiating into each of us

from a particular Zodiac constellation, one of these twelve constellations:


Each constellation is the home base, as it were,

of unique Divine Angelic Beings,

especially what are known as Spirits of Form,

Who have something like an eternal task:

They not only sculpt and maintain such unimaginably tiny,

so mind-bogglingly exquisite details . .

They are also ever actively present

inside each of us EVERY MOMENT.

For instance:

We also sense thoughts and ideas.

If  thoughts and ideas didnt have at least something universal in each of them,

 there would be no way for us to communicate with each other,

no common understanding at all !

Shortly below is an example how one can grow into grasping

 how a particular constellation is ever actively involved

in forming and animating one of our bodily senses.

It is no coincidence the ancients called those twelve constellations

the ZODIAC :

That name translated into English means:

“Circle of Animals ”

Zoé  is Greek for animal   LIFE 

—  as distinct from all other life forms , life in general:

Bios . . 

( pronounced like “Be-ohs” in Greek;

Zoé is pronounced like Zo-ay.)

Zoology is a subset of  Biology, of course.

The  Zoé-diac  is  the universally  all-encompassing  vast  

Arena  wherein  AnimalLife Thrives:

Only animals – plus we humans, of course –

have sense organs, including smell and touch.

Zoology is the study, really the LOGIC of animals.

In Greek :  Zoe Logos :

The Divinity manifest in animal life.

The ancients named most of those twelve constellations

with animal  ( plus a few human)  names,

because each of those animate beings is strongly connected

with one particular sort of sense:

image source

Ludicrous as it seems to current mindsets:

Each one of our senses

arises out of the archetypal, sublime wisdom

of   Divine Angelic Beings

ever working into ones body

out of one particular Zodiac constellation . .

ever lovingly sustaining,

ever ANIMATING that particular sense

in each of us.

Those Divinely sublime, Heavenly workings

ever sculpt and enliven,

are really ever active providing us the senses we live in:

touch, hunger, warmth, sight,

and so on …

— Thats what the Zoédiac is !!

In ancient times we humans had capacities approaching those of angels

to behold  Divine heavenly realities :

The starry worlds are Heaven, the Heavens.

But that meant we were also overwhelmed by Them,

such vastly more powerful and wondrous beings.

For any unfamiliar:

 Dr. Steiner described that most succinctly

in lectures on those Twelve Senses,

how each Zodiac constellation

is the source of the formative and generative forces

 that create, fashion, and ever animate

a particular one of our several bodily senses:

Most of them are obvious:

Our physical sensory organs

like eyes and ears,

smell, taste, touch . . and so forth.

Humans and animals:

All sentient beings

are distinct from all other life forms

primarily due to having sensory processes

to perceive and navigate the world we live in.

 Here’s a bit more background

before delving into an example

how dynamics forming a particular constellation

also form and ever animate one of our bodily senses :

The Z o é-d i a c is part of the world

of what used to be called the FIXED Stars:

Ones senses are also attenuated, nearly lifeless,

among the most rigid parts of us —

 For example:

If ones eyes were continually contracting and relaxing

like the peristaltic wave moving through

the below segment of the small intestine:



source video

. . it would be far more difficult

to grasp clear, distinct pictures

of the forms of objects around and outside us:

 Even rigid objects would seem to be

 constantly expanding and contracting

all the time !

Eyes need to be fixed in form like a camera

so they can grab a reliable picture of what we see,

like a camera taking a snapshot .

Ones brain is the most fixed bodily organ,

frozen* in such vastly  mind‐ bogglingly  complex forms

so it can be an objective sense organ

for the world of archetypes,

what we experience as thoughts and ideas:

Thereby one is able to distinguish different objects,

different shapes in ones field of vision, for instance.

* But brains are also extremely soft and delicate,

hence very prone to injury !

They are thus maximally pliable, maximally sensitive

to subtleties existence is chock-full of.

Our ideas are formed out of such spiritual archetypes:

Otherwise we would be unable to have thoughts,

much less able to express any such ideas or thoughts

to anyone else

– who would not be able to comprehend any such either:

None of us would be able

to even have the idea what a circle is, for instance.

For example:

One can notice a circus ring is a circle

even when viewing it from just slightly above it

whence it resembles more a massively wide smile.

 Grasping the concept of    “circle”   is not a mechanical process:

its an IDEAL,

 conceptual process.

The world of  archetypes

 is ever available and active inside each of us,

granting the ability to grasp ideas and concepts

(when awake, of course).

If ones ideas didnt have a significant relationship with universal reality,

no one else would be able to understand anything one said, of course . .  or wrote.

( By the way: Slight shifts of star positions recently observed

via unprecedentedly powerful telescopes nowadays

are likely just slight jiggling in place:

the entire universe is an organism, and living beings arent rigid . .

plus the Solar System itself might be doing all the jiggling,

as no less than Rudolf Steiner asserted.)

One of the more accessible examples

how heavenly dynamics animate our senses


— You may know that was the sole sense

  that allowed blind and deaf   Helen Keller

to learn how to relate and communicate with other human beings,

really to make her way in earthly existence. —

The animals that live by far most

 in the sense of touch are CRABS:

photos of two crabs illustrating tiny eye stalks pointing straight upward

A crab has almost no brain.

Its eyes are also so minuscule they cant  capture nor transmit

a significant image to that tiny brain.

Rather, as anyone knows who has experience with crabs:

Its capacity for vision

is just exquisitely sensitive to any sudden movement,

 –  even just a bit abrupt  –

Whence a crab immediately rockets away

on its platoon of legs

as if shot from a cannon ! *

E.g :  Youre crabbing, and one is nibbling on your bait,

hence youre very slowly getting your net in place

to scoop the crab

when a companion yells at you,

whence you turn your head to see whats up:

The crab then suddenly shoots out of sight,

 as if some predator is trying to get hold of it

*as in this video.

Thats essentially the sole function of its eyes:

an earlywarning system exquisitely sensitive

to something moving significantly in its field of vision

– like a hungry lobster!

And thats why its tiny, minuscule eyes

are primarily directed upward:

Theyre way too small to be of any use

trying to form a picture of some object.

– One can also imagine it would be rather difficult

to navigate our Earthly world

if ones eyes were on the top of ones head,

ever gazing upward ! –

But with its numerous legs, plus its two claws,

a crab is constantly in many ways

in TOUCH with what it stands on . .

hence immediately feels, for instance,

if some worm squirms even slightly next to it,

whence it will attempt to grab that worm with its claws

with lightningfast responses.

Its like one of us were gazing straight up,

but primarly focused on what one is touching and feeling

   via multiple fingerlike legs resting on the muddy bottom below.

Not uncommonly in murky water,

with its prey often covered in silt if not mud,

even sophisticated eyes

would be of little to no significant help to a crab.

Rather:  A crab is constantly

 almost entirely focused

on what its finger-like legs  feel.

Here’s a video of a crab

constantly feeling for, then picking up stuff to eat, e.g:


  = >    

up &


 its Mouth

f  = fingers


Touch is also the primary sense

that allowed blindanddeaf Helen Keller

to make her way in the world and among us:

  She even learned to read via Braille ! !

Hence, in more primeval times,

when most everyones chakras

– organs of spiritual perception –

were still at least somewhat active . .

When we looked at the night sky back then

in the direction of the constellation

we still today call Cancer ,

the Latin word for crab . .

Way back then most everyone had at least some sense

the essential nature of that constellation

resembled a crab in a swamp :

We actually saw, sensed a crab :

the cosmic, archetypal crab in the Heavens . .

where the supersensible,

really angelic forces ever forming and animating

ones own Sense of Touch abide :

are most at home.

Heres how an artist imagines we beheld that cosmic archetype in ancient times:

star chart with pale image of crab superimposed on Cancer constellation


Those used to stargazing will notice the numerous white dots

represent the stars in that constellation.

As if playing a keyboard :

Placing the bases of ones two thumbs together ,

thence wiggling ones fingers mimics a  crab ! !

Then press an index finger and thumb together

like a claw grabbing onto something !

Silly as it may seem :

Ones hands are actually so distinctly formed

most particularly by the cosmic sculpting forces ever emanating from ,

ever raying into each of us from the constellation of  Cancer .

Those same formative and dynamic forces also animate ones sense of  Touch.

If the crab constellation didnt exist,

we would have no sense of touch at all ! !

Nor would we have fingers nor thumbs ! ! !

— certainly not anywhere near so wondrously articulated.

We had to lose,

discard such innate understanding of existence

in order to develop the modern condition

of feeling distinct from everything else.

In ancient times we still had at least a vague sense

how existence is ever formed

and animated by Divine Beings,

The Divine Sources of existence.

But The Divine intended us to have individual initiative,

and that requires each of us

having a sense of being separate from everything else:

image source

At least for lots of us:

The process of separating from all else

is now complete, as endless evidence attests:

Many humans alive today are even convinced we are the culmination

of dead minerals somehow managing to organize themselves

into the first living cells, allegedly  vast eons ago.

And, of course, those so determinedly insisting on such nonsense

consider any other ideas ludicrous, baseless fantasies at best . .

. . as some of us offering this web site

were taught to think as youngsters . .

But were so fortunate to be saved by The Divine

via Them revealing something of  Themselves to us . .

 enough to erase any doubt about Their existence.

It also helps to realize

The Divine do not experience existence anything like we do

during what we call being awake.


As The Voyagers so mind-bogglingly demonstrated:

Human ideas that space is infinite (or nearly so)

are at very most  just wishful thinking :  as discussed further below.

Heres a striking picture of what atronomers call a galaxy,

captured by one of todays massively powerful telescopes:

massively magnified image of huge 'galaxy' surrounding central golden brown oval with central bright white spot. The regions outside the central oval are crammed with countless points of faint blue light in small clusters, one of most striking if not beautiful heavenly images.

Kind of  looks like an eye, doesnt it ? ! !

One could also think of an egg in a nest . .  or basket . .

– or an early stage of a human embryo embedded in its growing placenta.

source(more complete)

( By the way, it was only a century ago

(when astronomers adopted the idea there are multiple galaxies.

( Derived from Latin, originally galaxy  just referred to what is now called the Milky Way:

The Latin word for milk is gala.)

Here are a few more wondrous examples of what are called galaxies:



The below chart is a more barebones sketch noting how those so gifted

grasp and comprehend the nature of the Heavenly star constellations :

Something like twelve home terfs, as it were,

of twelve unique groups of  Sublimely Divine Beings,

each group ever devoted to forming and animating

one of each of the twelve so crucial gifts

They ever sustain in each of us,

providing us awareness, at least glimpses

of  Their so unimaginably vast efforts

ever sustaining All  Existence

All and Everything:

circle of Zodiac signs with labels indicating senses each sign rules, actually forms


Although as yet not widely known,

The rest of we humans also have potentials

to grow into such understandings

how and what the Zodiac constellations actually are:

Among numerous resources on the web discussing these perspectives,

this YouTube presentation provides a decent introductory overview.

— Further, as some of you may know:

In contrast, the Seven Planetary Spheres

are the cosmic home of the sublime Beings that form

and ever enliven, direct the functions and processes

of ones bodys seven

most crucial, cardinal organs:

seven cardinal organs labelled with corresponding planetary sphere

These seven cosmic, archetypal dynamics

govern and rule life in general:

what the Greeks call Bios,

whence we speak of  Biology:

the discipline concerned with all living beings,

all  life forms.

These seven distinct, overwhelmingly wondrous bodily workings

ever churn unreachably far beyond ones awareness,

 are unconscious activities,

each something of a world unto itself.

Since making a relationship with the complexities

how each of ones cardinal organs is continually sustained

by the wondrous workings of additional Divine helping hands

is another rather vast undertaking,

this site suggests exploring these wonders elsewhere,

and fortunately there are numerous options.

For instance:

A succinct, basic introduction is provided by this site. —

Also, again:

The I Don’t Know Club site

reveals several additional ways

prevailing views are helpless at explaining existence.

Some years ago a few students of  Anthroposophy

were exploring the exceptionally profound perspectives in

 Shakespeares masterpiece:

 . . requiring multiple twohour sessions contemplating

these intimate connections between each Zodiac constellation

and the corresponding sense of perception.

— By the way:

Since The Bard was a Rosicrucian* initiate,

 it takes a decent grasp of pretty much all existence

to fully understand why that play

has remained the most popular play worldwide

for going on half a millennium now:

It speaks to us like no other play

because it touches on the deepest mysteries of all and everything,

especially how those weave into human evolution and destiny… —

*the millenniumold  esoteric, occult version.

 One participant shared the above farout ideas with an astronomer friend

 who responded thusly:

“Out PAST the furthest star in the furthest galaxy . .”

 — Impossibly,


According to present ideas and speculating, there are


each one really unimaginably VAST ITSELF !  —


“ Out past the furthest star in the furthest GALAXY. .

Thats where The Divine BEGINS.”  ( ! ! )

That was the astronomers response.

    (we added the emphases)

 Repeat :  Any such furthest GALAXY

would be HOPELESSLY,



When they heard what the astronomer said:

Inside (figuratively) . .

they collapsed on the floor

in  astonishment !!

=>  His were virtually the same identical words,

the very same way they had come to understand

why so much of modern humanity

clings so desperately

to believing

stars are like the Sun:

It was like

The Universe

echoed back to them:

 “ Yep, you got it.”

  — Some of them – as well as some of us –

still havent gotten over that  ! ! !

Heres The Issue:

If the stars are just physical objects like the Sun is believed to be,

plus the furthest star is unimaginably VASTLY far away . .  

any Divine  Beings are also spread vastly far

 and vastly wide:  unimaginably vastly far AWAY 

Theyre not here with us !!! 

 How COULD THEY BE ? ? ! ! !

— So we like to think ! !

Lots of human beings nowadays are even convinced

Divine Beings  never ever even existed . .

(as some of us came to feel, at least suspect

already in elementary school.)

All such ideas, really imaginings. . 

 are in fact driven primarily

by UNconscious issues:

If the Universe is really so ultramaximally fantastically VAST  ! ! . .

How in all such unimaginably vast existence

could The Divine care about such a nothingness

as a single human being ,

a comparatively unimaginably tiny minusculity

among such incomprehensible vastness

full of virtually countless worlds . .

— inhabited or not ! ! !

Those of our contemporaries

– especially in the West –

who cling to such fantasies

never dare notice

their ideas are essentially nothing more

than ultradesperate attempts

by unconscious dynamics within them

to cope with this ultramaximally

most overwhelming aspect of existence:

There are actually numerous if not countless eyes, as it were,

continually focused on each of us, every moment:

source: includes very high

resolution options


not even for one moment ! ! !

— as really we all know . .

. . at least somewhere deep inside…

( We count at least six pairs of eyes

gazing out from this masterwork.)

Only those

so maximally

preciously gifted to know:

the Divine are Love . .

Only such have better possibilities to cope

with what is so vastly overwhelming:

— how some of us felt

before we were so Divinely fortunate to learn better. .

So many like believing fantasies like an endless universe


NOTHING is more overwhelming

than The Divine.


Archangel Gabriel announcing birth of  Luke Jesus to shepherds (one of striking contrasts with Matthew Jesus).

We all know all of this,

at least somewhere deep down inside:

At least a few of those countless,

so sublimely  majestic  Beings

are ever noticing,

are really much more aware of each of us

than one is of oneself ! ! !


Theres nowhere to hide,

not even for one tiny MOMENT !!!

 THEIR  activities are essential to keeping each one of us alive

   every microsecond . .

in countless ways, continually.

They also lift up sap in plants – as the Kew Gardens botanists demonstrated.

Similarly keep blood  (and lymph) flowing upward from ones toes

all the way up to ones heart, every moment . .

not least when standing.

Early hot-air balloonists were also amazed

 to observe clouds of pollen floating far above the ground.

Astronomers’ fantasies about unimaginably massive black holes

sucking on the universe like massive vacuum cleaners

are actually driven by them sensing these all-pervading inexplicable,

actually levitational processes, in the depths of their souls.

What we think of as the Universe

is really a womb:

What we call the Solar System and the heavens

are really a ginormously wondrous womb :

our Divine Parent’s /s’  body/ ies

ever sustaining each of we billions of physical bodies:

Unimaginably wondrously working every instant

making sure  each of ones invisibly tiny, humongously countless cells

is continually sustained

by a massively wondrous flow of an ocean of nutrients

plus multiple microscopic puffs of oxygen


. . ever so vastly lovingly nursing

each of those staggeringly wondrous microscopic bits of one.

Only those so maximally preciously gifted to know,

as The Gospel writers were so privileged,

really so sublimely blessed to learn, to experience:

 The Divine Is Love . .

The Divine Are Love . .


Only such so privileged ones

can stand the thought of such overwhelmingly

colossally powerful beings

making EVERYTHING happen :

Floating the clouds . .

Ever so lovingly bathing ,

warming  and illuminating the entire Solar System

in unimaginably vast

glorious  L O V E

so crucially ever raying forth from The Sun : 

not just keeping Earth habitable, and visible :

Sustaining all living beings so colossally wondrously marvelously. .

not least via photosynthesis…

(  Sunlight is still reaching the Voyagers,

(  but is that because The Divine are still tracking them,

(  like a spotlight on an actor ?  )

THEY  make sap rise in trees . .

. . ever keep blood and lymph circulating in EACH of our BILLIONS of bodies . .

. . ALL  in ways utterly inexplicable to natural science

as presently cultivated in Western institutions . .

 .  . And so on . .    and so on .  .    and so on . .

– It’severywhere one looks !!!

– No . .  Not mindless subatomic particles

imagined ever whizzing around within imaginary atoms . .

  — NONE of that is the essence of existence:

There are no such things at all !!!

Atoms and molecules are nothing more

than ultra‐maximally desperate attempts

at avoiding . .

coming up with some way to explain things

that avoids any and every idea,

eliminates all   considerations of   Divinity.

The essence of all existence

— and existence as we experience it in day consciousness

is limited to the Solar System:

 Stars are also part of existence,

but really more outside, beyond time and space

as we experience them when incarnated on Earth …

The stars really ray into us out of  Eternity:

What we see in the heavens

is really more like a projection . .

more an echo . .

 or like a very old faded

 almost entirely black photograph.

Per St. Paul:

Our vision nowadays is obscured, darkened …

1 Corinthians 13:12

— at least for nowadays:

Jacques Luysseran is a harbinger how gaining true sight

is becoming more possible,

especially for those so fortunate

to already be headed That Way :

 When he lost ordinary sight,

 he was no longer able to see darkness:*

he thus became able to see lots more.

*Link opens Wikipedia discussion how darkness interacts with light:

Both are actually active, both involved in creating colors.

Darkness is not at all just the absence of light:

   Darkness resists, opposes light:

  Thence colors arise revealing how much

one or the other is dominating,

 in virtually endless variations.

— Otherwise we would have no perception in the absence of light:

We wouldn’t experience darkness (black).

Darkness ever opposes light, as St. John’s Gospel reports (prologue).

The actual reality is:

Each of us is something of a miniature world of stars and planets . .

a miniature universe:

one tiny additional graciousness

brought forth by the heavenly hosts

ever forming and animating all existence.

As our Savior expressed it :

Each of we human beings

is in fact one of   Their  now billions of  temples.

John 2:19


The essence of ALL existence,

all and Everything is


Even every speck of dust

is continually WILLED TO  BE

 by  The Divine.

( When, for instance, a saw creates sawdust,

each tiny speck still retains its wooden nature,

its fundamental relationship with the Sources of existence.)

EVERYTHING  is continually willed to be

by utterly immeasurable and countless multitudes

of   The Divine

plus Their Helpers,

   of nearly numberless sorts.

(Not that it takes noticeable effort for any of   

THEM to manifest a single speck of dust.)

(click this line to toggle a related speculation into  /out of view)

We can’t even ultra-minuscululely slightly begin to imagine

how colossally vastly,

how immeasurably vastly hard  They ever work

just keeping each and every one

of the countless cells in ones body alive

so stupendously magnificently wondrously every moment!!!

 A single, microscopic skin cell is somewhat comparable to a tiny speck of dust :

 One can wonder how many elemental beings it takes to sustain

the countless cells required to wrap ones entire body :

 Up to several microscopic layers are shed and replaced daily.


When humans take it upon themselves to disrupt the way things are,

nowadays so horrifically extremely possible

via socalled nuclear explosions . .

unimaginably VAST FORCES

thereby wreak outrageously horrific destruction

because all that so monstrously released  Divine Willing

had to work so extremely vastly hard to freeze,

keep things so tightly frozen, tough, and rigid . .

especially what we call crystals . .  (rocks and minerals in general ).     

What we call an explosion

is a bit like when the Death Star in Star Wars

destroys the planet Alderan:

an unimaginably horrific destructiveness:

Nukes are the most horrific way humanity has figured out how to be monstrous . .  so far . .

so horrifically destructive and murderous . .

so unimaginably vastly opposed to Divine Love :

You may know the “ father ” of the atomic bomb,  J. Robert Oppenheimer ,

when he witnessed the first explosion in New Mexico

felt he had done the work of demons:

Whether he only thought of these words later . .

or actually said them out loud then:

“ Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.”

Two millennia ago,

a uniquely wondrously fortunate human being

shared revelations The Divine gave him ,

including a glimpse of the unprecedented horrors of the last century:

“ Woe unto the inhabitants of the Earth

“ for the monstrous Adversary is come down unto you

“ having great wrath

“ for he knoweth his time is short.”

Revelation 12

— Thank The Divine !  :

That cosmically monstrous temper tantrum is nearing its end :

A core aspect is increasingly confined, compressed

 along this boundary between the lostness in The West . .

and The East desperately clinging to the past :

map centered on Earth’s geographic center

map centered on Earth’s Geographic Center

map source

It is by horrifically tragically far no random coincidence

these two most intense horrors on Earth presently

are centered on the above vertical  red line

separating the eastern half of all land on Earth

from the western half.

Beginning to grasp the primary cause of these conflicts

requires additional perspectives shared below.

—               —               —               —               —               —               —               —      

(  By the way:

( Once one understands there is only one Solar System (at least so far)

(  humans or “ humanoids” destroying an entire planet

( is at most an exceedingly VERY remote possibility.)

— Also by the way :

The little bits of ionizing radiation in sunlight

are yet another indication of life’s complexities :

One web site is ginormously vastly inadequate as a full picture, of course. —

Nothing is more overwhelming than what reality  REALLY  IS !

We all know all such unconsciously – each one of us –

hence cling to endless superficialities in ordinary DAY consciousness . .

( Were pointing at ourselves: Nothing exceptional here! )

Otherwise we would be so overwhelmed it would be very hard to focus,

to get on with what everyday life demands of us.

Natural science as presently cultivated,

especially predominantly in The West . .

— not least fantasizing

about imaginary nothingnesses like atoms and molecules . .

All such is really essentially,

fundamentally just very much driven

by unconscious, really somewhat desperate attempts

to cope with what is so unimaginably vastly overwhelming:

There is NEVER  any separation from The Divine :

Theres no hiding ! ! !   EVER  ! ! !

That so wondrously fortunate human being two millennia ago

also foresaw this aspect of our socalled  modern era !

He wrote:

The kings of the earth, the leaders, and the generals of armies, the rich and the strong, plus all slaves and all free men hid in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains, and said to the rocks and to the mountains:

“ ‘Fall on us!

Hide us from the countenance

of   HIM  who sits on the throne,

  and from the surging will of the Lamb.’ ”

Revelation  6: 15-16, New Testament

( Floris books)

Believing life began

when dead minerals

somehow managed to organize themselves into a living cell

is arguably the most extreme example so far

of wanting to bury oneself in rocky stuff . .

an extreme example of mythical ostrich behavior :

burying ones head in the sand :

desperately striving to bury ones mind

as far out of sight of reality as possible .  .

– Not least because:

Even the simplest organisms capable of independent life,


require genomes at a minimum of almost a thousand

to nearly TEN thousand genes in the most complex species . .

Each of those genes ITSELF  a highly complex assemblage

of dozens if not many hundreds of molecules,

each molecule consisting of up to scores of atoms:

How such mindboggling complexity

could have arisen via lifeless,

 essentially rocky substances interacting somehow

is certainly in the running,

if not the most outrageously ludicrous nonsense of all time.

And now even The Wall Street Journal

has begun to notice,

per the article also linked at top.

Regardng the mindboggling Webb telescope discovery:

The above perspectives suggest

that’s another way the darkness of Kali Yuga  (mentioned above)

is able to be penetrated,

 something like how one can see tiny pinpoints of light

shine through a woven curtain.

Astrophysicists grappling with fantasies about dark matter

are driven by sensing this reality in their core

but are not yet able to embrace the full reality. —

EACH of we humans is actually a  WORLD,

a miniature cosmos:  a Micro Cosm:

One colossally wondrous,

really vastly unimaginably precious instance of the whole . .

— regardless how one might judge some other one of us —

A wondrousness constantly maintained by countless unseen

and mindbogglingly capable activities,

as if  hoards of invisible, exquisitely loving hands and fingers

are making  EVERYTHING  happen :

. . including  directing, integrating, and maintaining

each unimaginably tiny cell in ones body, every moment.

That’s just a teensy weensy jot

of the sublime realities behind

how inexplicably wondrously unique and precious

each  ONE  of we humans is . .

. . AND SO FORTH . .         AND SO FORTH . .           AND SO FORTH …

In ones everyday consciousness and usual activities,

each of us is such a NOTHINGNESS in comparison!!

None of us makes ANY,

not even some microscopic part of ones body,

— not even one eyelash!

. . those so wondrous fibrillar appendages

utterly  baff ling  scientists’ abilities to explain.

 Each of us is more like a bimbo,

a helpless, clueless klutz — AT BEST ! ! !

    . . as we all know at least somewhere deep inside … 

— But in actuality:  We do at least a tiny little bit cooperate

with maintaining the microcosm of ones body during sleep,

during that break from being confined to the world of bodily senses.

As the Gospels state:

We’ve been given potentials to become

CHILDREN of  The  Divine

Presently were something more like embryos or larvae

 still rather much incubating …


  Love can manifest in virutally endless ways …

 As many if not all of us are aware:

Sometimes The Divine dish out TOUGH love.


provided rather an apt commentary

on we humans:

Trailing clouds of glory do we come

From [The Divine], our true home.

Heaven lies about us in our infancy !

          ∝              ∝              ∝  

At length [we] perceive it die away,

And fade into the light of common day.

Ode on Intimations of Immortality

from Recollections of Early Childhood  source

But in Truth:

The Heavens are always active within us and around us

for the rest of ones Earthly, bodily life as well . .  every moment …

As ancient, and even some of present humanity still at least somewhat sense:

Each of us is a  MICROcosm,

 one instance of the WHOLE:

 It takes the entire universe,


for each one of us to exist.

 As Buddha came to know:

“All is One.”

Similarly, but ultra profoundly

Christos Jesus asserted:

“I and the Father are One.”

—  Of course – especially nowadays

it would be more thorough plus acceptable

to refer to The  Parent Divine:

The Divine fashion, sculpt both sorts of bodies,

of course.


 “ I and The Parent Divine are One.”

— Thats something like how He would have to put it nowadays

to not turn half the population off. —

  Each of us is an instance of   The Whole . .

The Holy…

Consequently, if Michelangelo were painting the Sistine Chapel ceiling nowadays,

 hed have to come up with a more androgynous figure for the Parent Divine:

Michelangelo's panel of The Divine Parent Creating Adam and Eve

click image for larger version       source*

(open in new window(s) / tab(s)

*entire Sistine Chapel interior

— But, actually, if one looks closely at the image of the Parent Divine,

one can notice that Divine body is actually not all that masculine,

arguably somewhat more feminine:

Although The Parent Divine has a beard . .

 Clearly contrasting with Adam:

Shem* also has nipples . .  really breasts:

More evident in the larger image,

plus very similar to both these Raphael Madonnas.

*She / Him = androgynous, omni-cased pronoun

Plus, partly obscured by a cherub’s lower leg:

The Parents pelvis is also wide like a woman,

in quite some contrast to Adams robust masculine proportions…

–Also:  Is that a nightgown . .

or more a housewifes athome summer attire

clinging to The Divines body?

Eve is still connected, but separating:

a cherub tugging , helping her emerge

from The Parent’s rib cage:*

The Hearts Home

source of comfort for children.

*Genesis 2:22

Shes also looking rather askance at that rather much separated,

somewhat outofreach,   just outoftouch newborn

down on Earth with everything to learn.

The Divine is /are stretching,  reaching out . .

straining maximally trying to remain,

to keep in touch.

Both their concerns are much more evident

in the larger, complete image (also linked above)

Adam, however, is rather much relaxed, nonchalant:

“ No big deal …”

In a different medium about three centuries later

 the German Renaissance man Goethe

concluded his so monumental effort,  Faust,

with essentially the same sentiment:

“ Das ewig Weibliche

    zieht uns hinan .”

For those unfamiliar with German,

we offer what can only be an inadequate attempt

to express that in English:

Divine Femininity

ever coaxes us upward, onward.

Each of us is

a MicroCosm . .

a  Oneness.

That spark of eternity – ones core –

is able to deepen its roots in one

when one lets selfless love in,

allows some to become active,

genuinely, faithfully expressed,

manifest at least a little bit .

 Humility is the secret sauce that opens the door to eternity. .   to reality…

In one of our youths, an elder,

rather extraordinary woman had a favorite saying:

“ It takes it out of one, living that life eternal …”

“  it ”  is resistance…

Also in youth, another of us had the very good fortune

of a brief consultation with another exceptional human being ,

somewhat like the Gospel account of the Samaritan woman in John 4

who experienced  Christos Jesus knew her most intimate secrets.

He has no doubt The Divine gave that elder something of a glimpse of  his destiny :

The few, but exceedingly meaningful words of advice

the elder shared with him

were lifechanging.

One can ever more fully grasp and embrace existence

the more one can let The Heart of all existing abide in one.

John 15

We fervently pray more and more of our contemporaries

can grow into appreciating Heraclitus immortal words:

Eternity is a child at play.

It’s time to wake up, humanity . .

— as some astronomers seem to be noticing.

(All such are rather easily SAID, of course…)

At yet more risk of wearing you out, dear reader,

We can’t resist including this detail from Raphael’s Sistine Madonna:

Raphael's Sistine Madonna (upper half)

. . not least to note the throng of faint faces behind the curtains

each seeking a father’s seed

to unite with an ovum inside a womb

to initiate formation of a new human being ,

an earthly abode for a lifetime

on The Planet of Lessons . .

 especially to be down here

when that so sublimely Divine One was.

Has there ever been a more precious moment,

perhaps not in all existence preceding

so wondrously blessed,

inspiring numberless hosts of angels

gloriously singing praise and thanksgiving …

Heres the part of existence supporting we humans pursuing lots of potentials:

plane of Solar System with greatly enlarged images of Sun and planets out to Uranus


The Solar System

While each planetary sphere embraces the one(s) inside it . .

the most relevant influences of the spheres on us

are constantly varying at different rates,

according to this nesting sequence:

Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn

due to how quickly or slowly each celestial body traverses the Zodiac*

as visible from our vantage point, Earth.

*overall speed including retrograde phases


That sequence determined

how ancient cultures conceived of the nesting

prior to modern spatial understandings:

The  RHYTHMS  of  Time in the singing of the Harmonies of  The Spheres

are much more significant to living, including human beings

than the location of Solar System members in space.

(Also: Saturn was the furthestknown planet before modern telescopes.

( More distant and much smaller celestial bodies,

(actually: Spheres discovered since

(support more subtle, more spiritual /eternal aspects of ones being.)

Although this effort is now entering rather muchly even deeper waters,

mayhap at least a few among Western readers

will stay tuned for what is to many

the biggest mind blow of all:

As mentioned in the introduction at top:

We became open to sharing the above three

paradigmdisrupting ,  mindboggling phenomena

after being astounded to hear no less

than a NASA astrophysicist

share how he has come to understand

human existence

in very non‐conventional ways,

especially per mindsets

currently prevailing in The West :

He shared several of what are now numerous cases

of young children in non-industrial, isolated villages

lacking contact with modern resources like libraries or internet,

thus having no possibility of acquiring knowledge

about someone who lived up to centuries before

plus on a very different continent:

Children reporting vivid memories

of adult plus otherwise incongruous experiences

utterly confounding to their families.

Then investigators found records of an historic person

who the child had somehow, had really inexplicably

acquired detailed knowledge of that biography.

Unthinkable as it is in Western cultures currently

there is no other explanation for such cases than:

comment on this image

plus its source are linked below


Such children typically relate these memories matter-of-factly,

as if  it just recently happened.

We have no idea how many such examples have now been verified.

 Lots of them show up on an internet search,

for example:

“ young children remember previous lives

The most undeniable

are those of children

who remember more recent events easier to document,

but theres NO WAY the child acquired that memory

in its PRESENT life ,

typically at least many decades, if not centuries later.

 E.g: Psychology Today published an article particularly on

Young children with memories of trauma.

Such mainstream openness to such non-conventional ideas

opened us to sharing the above


Another aspect few in the West nowadays are familiar with

is there are numerous references to reincarnation

in The New Testament, the Gospels.

But they didnt have that fivesyllable word back then:

its less than two centuries old.

Way back then, they . .

— as well as you, dear reader, in ancient incarnations :

Way back then we all  just wondered

who someone might or might not have been

in a previous lifetime on Earth.

Responding to such questions

in the Gospels:

The Savior,

or the Gospel writer,

or one or more of the Apostles

state who someone had been previously

— or not .

Here is a list of  those

more than a dozen Gospel references to previous lives.

 It also debunks baseless, really ludicrous ways

desperately denying Westerners try to dismiss them.

It wasnt until nearly a millennium later

when the idea of reincarnation

had pretty much died out in the West .

Since reincarnation is such a huge leap

for typical Westerners nowadays:

 Heres a Harvard professors rather meaty presentation

sharing the perspectives of a prominent early Bishop, Origen.

click for pronunciation;

perhaps Ukrainian is best ?

 It provides significant insights

to help presentday folks gain familiarity.

Plus here is a discussion how the concepts of soul and spirit differ,

using the example how it was the SPIRIT of Elijah

that reincarnated in John the Baptist,

NOT  Elijah’s soul:

Ones SPIRIT is the part of oneself  belonging to eternity

that reincarnates through the ages of time,

as distinct from ones soul ( psyche) arising denovo in each incarnation,

then gradually passing away since it belongs to the transitory,

not to eternity.

Rather :  Ones soul primarily arises and is molded

by ones Spirit taking hold out of Eternity

during each incarnation:

Continually adjusting, adapting oneself

while assimilating experiences during a lifetime on Earth

creates the changes and growth we observe as a person matures:

most profoundly and most rapidly

especially in infants,

then also quite wondrously in preschool children.

Also:  Here is a very extensive exploration

including numerous additional Bible passages

at least suggesting reincarnation.

 And, as you may know:

 There have always been Westerners who know better,

such as Henry Ford and General Patton.

Plus accepting reincarnation is growing:

Surveys indicate a third of all Americans nowadays accept it,

and nearly 40% of those under fifty do.

 A number of Americas founders

 were also Rosicrucians, and /or Masons.

Furthermore:  You may also know

the large majority of humanity alive today

lives in a culture that has never denied reincarnation,

 And that includes quite some if not most Orthodox Christians:

While any Westerner who has explored this issue to any significant degree

is likely to have noticed how complex the issues are,

not least what is commonly referred to as

“ The Great Schism”


And while there may be

a virtually endless variety of views on what caused this Schism . .

Having spent decades living with these ideas,

it is clear each person has ones own relationship

with this so fundamental issue:

Each of we billions on Earth presently

is typically in one of two camps:

One either accepts reincarnation as the way things are,

or one rejects such as ludicrous, baseless fantasy, or so.

Very few seem to be indifferent on this issue.

And it seems hard to find a more fundamental

or more widespread,

a more all‐pervading disagreement.

In brief:

We of this site have acquired a general sense

The Great Schism was primarily driven by this core issue:

The historic record demonstrates

debates about reincarnation began occurring

already in the first few centuries following The Resurrection,

as Origen feeling a need to defend it then also affirms.

While many in The West believe the issue of   f ilioch

was the primary catalyst that created The Great Schism:

After nearly a century of experiences on this Planet of Lessons

we authors have noticed each of we humans is rather complex.

Since disagreements about reincarnation

are already evident by the third century of Christianity,

plus there are few if any more fundamental disagreements in humanity . .

 and although discussions and debates

 during Ecumenical Councils were not made public:

It seems at latest by the third century of Christianity

this fundamental issue was at least beginning to be contentious.

We believe it was with great heaviness of heart

that the Eastern bishops finally lost all hope

regarding reincarnation

after the Eighth Ecumenical Council, 869 AD . .

 lost all hope of reconciliation:

Afterwards they ceased conferring with Western bishops

and have remained disconnected ever since,

as indicated by this Orthodox list of just Seven accepted Councils.

And nowadays many among The Orthodox

also deny reincarnation.

(Link to a deep dive into that history is appended below.)

Current circumstances compel us to also mention

reincarnation is a . .

. . if not  THE   PRIMARY  ISSUE  driving the conflict

 so horrifically horribly torturing

especially Ukrainians nowadays:

Ukraine is where denial of reincarnation in The West

is most intensely threatening Russia, just across Her border:

Russians are desperate to protect especially their own children

from being tainted by Western influences . .

And the deepest, most fundamental core,

most unbearable aspect of that threat

is denial of reincarnation in the West,

by Western culture generally.

This sites original home page

provides several links to reports

documenting these so horrifically tragic dynamics in Ukraine.


The most affirmative evidence

Reincarnation is crucial in Ukraine

is the head of the Russian Orthodox Church

has been the primary, most prominent,

and most enthusiastic cheerleader of Russias invasion.

– The head of the Russian Orthodox Church!!

Whose authority in Russia

is comparable if not even more weighty

than The Pope over Catholicism.

(most significantly in Italy, of course)

Plus many  Orthodox clergy in Ukraine

have been charged with supporting RUSSIA ! !

– Despite their country being invaded so horribly ! ! !

— Their mindset is definitely NOT Western!!!

And now (Aug’24)

Ukraine’s Parliament has adopted legislation

to ban any Orthodox institution siding with Russia ! !

Plus Russia’s former puppet, the nation of Estonia,

expelled the national head of Its Orthodox Church.

in response to supporting Russia.

President Putin himself

affirms  the invasion is to counter,

even eradicate Western ways threatening Russia.

— Not that we condone WAR !

We were conscientious objectors during the Vietnam War. —

[ In at least a somewhat silly way,

Putin makes this vast cultural rif t

outlandishly visibly obvious

via ludicrously long desks he employs*


to maximally distance himself

especially from visiting Western diplomats.

*click for larger image plus three more examples ]

Additionally :   The above map also includes Belarus just north of Ukraine

where a coup by a very  pro-Russian  dictator

is tolerated especially because virtually all  Belarusians are Orthodox.

It’s also well known inhabitants of Eastern Ukraine

are much more commonly Orthodox than in western parts.

Furthermore: This succinct historical summary of  Russian vs. Ukrainian territories

 provides additional perspective how what is Ukraine vs. what is Russia

has been very muchly  variable over the centuries.

This site’s home page(also linked above)

includes an appeal letter to Pope Francis . .

 plus links to a Change.org petition

also appealing to the Pope

to correct the error

of  Western churches particularly

– Western culture generally –

rejecting reincarnation.

We also just recently delivered a copy of this treatise to The Vatican

along with this more extensive appeal letter to Pope Francis regarding Ukraine.

We also vigorously encourage anyone and everyone in agreement

to also contact any and every Western religious leader

regarding this ageold tragedy.

Although we strive to be compassionate,

try to avoid being judgmental:

We suspect at least some truth in this statement

so many church leaders rejecting reincarnation :

“. . has more to do with practical concerns

“ ( like church finances)

“ than spiritual ideals : 

“Reincarnation has never been in conflict

“ with the tenets of Christ’s teachings,

“merely in conflict

“ with the control wielded by the church.”


As long as this,

certainly at least one of the West’s most unholy errors

continues torturing not just Western humanity

plus not only all other humans presently on Earth

to at least some extent . .

but also all those in between incarnations:

All so fervently praying these horrors end, not soon

RIGHT NOW ! !  . .

any and every hope

for Peace o’er all the Earth

remain tragically FAR out of reach.

 Plus, of course :

Ukraine is where nuclear powers in West and East

are playing a potentially quite horrific game of chicken,

tempting each other to be maximally monstrous.

Humanity is indeed quite the Redemption project.

oval illustration of triumphantly smiling Dorothy plus companions

And now. .  finally, Dear Reader :

Why The Wizard of Oz tales

(quoted in the introduction)

have so captivated

–  especially movie lovers  –

 for over a century now

is because the extraordinary events occurring

 “over the rainbow, way up high”

depict what  ALL  of us know . .

at least somewhere deep down inside,

even we Westerners:

In between lifetimes on Earth

we go through quite some processes,

including something like when the Oz heroes

get attacked by winged monkeys,

whence especially the poor scarecrow

gets lots of his stuffing ripped out . .

But then all three get rehabilitated

in The Emerald City

via the wondrous Wizard’s

rejuvenation spa.

Thence they embark on quite some adventures

that eventually culminate

with everyone returning

— as do all we humans —

 to back down here:

another lifetime on Earth.

The violent scene when the winged monkeys

most intensely attack the poor Scarecrow

and rip lots of his straw stuffing out:


companions shocked at finding disemboweled Scarecrow collapsed on floor of wicked witch's forest (just straw ripped out, of course)

is actually a metaphor :

A very attentiongrabbing

visual imagining

of what in India is known as Kama‐Loka . .

  in The West as Purgatory . .

— but isn’t necessarily so violent . .   

Hopefully seldom,  if ever is ! !

But that’s just the initial process

helping us let go

of  having been in an Earthly body again.


 — as also depicted in the movie

 when Dorothy’s companions

get rehabilitated in the wondrous Wizard’s spa —

The really unimaginably

vastly scrumptiously loving


rejuvenate us . .

 help us recuperate;

then work wondrously Divinely lovingly

helping us prepare,

get re-enthused enough

we’re up for a new beginning,

another goround

on The Planet of Lessons.

( You may know the Oz books author,

( L. Frank Baum, was a Rosicrucian, hence quite

(comfortable with the idea of multiple Earth lifetimes.)

While The Wizard of Oz  movie

portrays nothing even something like a universe close

to so much   LOVE   The Divine expend

preparing not just oneself

but also the planet ,

plus lots of other human beings,

not least ones ancestors and parents . .

nurturing conditions fruitfully as possible

for ones next phase in eternity,

another lifetime on Earth . .

Howard Storm’s account, however,

mentioned in the intro far above,

does share quite some uplifting perspectives

how The Divine bathe and rejuvenate us

in between lifetimes

in deliciousness

he describes in quite some details*

we suspect you would appreciate hearing . .

if not already familiar.

*also linked in the intro at top. 

The delicious section follows him describing

the glimpse he was given of  kamaloka / purgatory.

In ones final phase

the Divine rulers of Destiny

in charge of planning ones next lifetime

 guide and direct ones Guardian Angel

 as They all work toward finding and helping unite parents

who, in ones journey through eternity

 can provide supportive contexts

 for ones next learning opportunities

  on The Planet of Lessons:

Rudolf  Steiner shared a number of past examples

how the Divine Directors of destiny

ever strive to provide fruitful circumstances

for each of us to continue growing

into ever fuller appreciation, ever fuller comprehension,

ever more productive participation in the long-term goal

of present existence continuing

evolving and growing into

The New Jerusalem:

The Universe abiding in sublimely solemn Peace*

delighting in the wonders of  Divine Love.

*  in Hebrew,

Jeru Salem means something like  

Abiding, Being in, Cultivating Peace . .

a goal one can hope all presently Israel’s subjects 

will find ways to better appreciate and cultivate . .

plus those in Her neighboring lands as well . .

– Hey :

How about ALL we humans  – Huh?

Now for real :  FINALLY :

All those faint visages behind the opening curtains

in Raphael’s Sistine Madonna and Child*(excerpted above)

*click for entire painting in new window/tab

indicate something how each of us was

when each of  us began approaching

burrowing into ones mother’s womb

 to begin each of our present incarnations

 down hear on this Divine orb called Earth:

In between lifetimes in gravity,

there’s no use for arms, legs, nor trunk.

We only have such

when incarnated in a body on Earth.

And, Yes:

There were all sorts of us in The West

who all along knew the Truth

but had to keep it to oneself

or risk burning at the stake . .

 as dear Raphael likely had to

when painting so.

Well . .

We had thought that was finally enough,

but one more idea came knocking:

According to two Gospels:

Having as much faithful trustworthiness

as a grain of mustard seed

allows to ask whatever one will,

whence it happens.

By that measure:

It seems the quantity of faith in humanity presently, overall

 might be slightly more than the total number

of  hen’s  teeth worldwide . .

if  that much.

May especially all those so determined to slaughter both sorts of soldiers . .

plus lots of other folks, almost all Ukrainians,

catch on how horrifically pathetically little faith they are demonstrating

when praying NOT !  so.

There's a primary reason war is such an intractable problem.

As mentioned:

Nothing is more overwhelming than what reality really is.

Each of us feels that overwhelm

to greater or lesser extent.

When one feels overwhelmed,

one is less likely to make rational decisions,

is more likely to impulsively react

including in aggressive, at worst violent ways.

Each of we billions is constantly struggling,

actually at least a tiny little bit

is constantly at war with reality.

These billions of wars

vary hugely muchly in intensity,

as well as during different phases of ones own life.

But regardless how many more billions of years

humans are driven to distract themselves from the overwhelm

–  not least by blaming someone else  –

Each of  us personally always has the option

to stand back a bit . .

Notice how much or little one feels overwhelmed . .

Then consider whether there might be some way or ways

to cope better . .

Then give at least one a try . .

keep trying until one finds what helps,

thus become able to feel less a victim,

feel less overwhelmed .

Is there really ever a higher priority in life

than managing oneself,

taking care of oneself?

 If a parent is not taking adequate care of itself

mayhap only The Divine can help the children ! !

If one wants to take care of, help someone else,

it will go better

the more one is coping,

the less overwhelmed one is oneself.

Ancient Greeks came up with quite an intense picture

how this fundamental dynamic

ever tends to burden, distract . .

at worst, at most extreme drives us totally nuts,

threatens to destroy us:

They pictured it as if trying to thread

an exceedingly narrow channel

between two monstrous

extremely contrasting terrors,

each intent on horrifying destruction,

named Scylla and Charybdis:


In reality, we’re always somewhere between these two extremes,

at least a bit like between a rock and a hard place, as it were,

because we need both these two tendencies,

these two proclivities:

 One helps us be grounded, keep on track, as it were . .

But in excess lures us into indolence . .

at worst, suicide.

The other helps inspire, buoy us,

ever tries to tickle ones fancies, as it were,

helps us hang in there despite discouragements . .

But on the other hand can distract us

from what’s more worthwhile and healthful

into more dissipating pursuits:

the other extreme tendency . .

 toward selfdestruction,  at worst.

Living is most in balance

the more one can center oneself

  in  faith . . ,  trust . . ,  patience . . ,  hope …

thence the more readily can one find ways

 to contribute to health . . ,

happiness . .

for all of us:

actually help gestate The New Universe of Peace

ever wanting to come alive, be here and now . .

Is in fact always here and now

at least potentially inside ones own heart.

Rudolf Steiner was led

and led quite some efforts

to express this polarity in a wondrous wood sculpture

depicting how each of us ever stands and walks (or reclines)

in the very midst of these two, this polarity . .

really every moment …

click image to open in separate window/tab

This photograph better reveals some details.

Its source page provides considerable context, background:

Including rather deep esoteric perspectives

on dynamics generally beneath everyday consciousness,

but exceedingly helpful to learn, become aware of.

On Our Savior’s right  →

is the way things are

when these two are both tugging on one of us  . .

really – at worst :

putting one in danger of innerly  being torn in two

by this intense polarity :

A bit like that monstrous execution method

of  being ripped asunder by two teams of horses :

 Many if not most examples of mental illness

are fundamentally driven by such intensities:

Mania results when the upper figure

baloons ones fantasies way beyond reality.

Depression is due to the lower influence

dragging ones feelings downward toward despair.

The other two figures, however . .

— one greatly stretched/attenuated above His left side:

the other below Him :

indicate healing is already underway,

representing how things can be

the more one becomes able to center oneself  in selflessness,

thereby o’er‐master these ever-insistent pulls . .

at best :  Actually harness these two into serving The Good :

living much as possible in harmony . .

As the Gospel describes it:

in Peace with the world, with all and everything,

 including with everyone else . .

(as well as with oneself ? ? ?  )

According to Our Savior :

We can thereby eventually gain capacities

to bring about even more wondrous happenings than He did (!)

John 14: 12-14

His face expresses concentrated focus

because the task requires objectivity, selflessness:

transcending ones own predilections,

wishes, wants, and desires, much as possible.

It is thus referred to as a

“ Representative of Humanity.”*

*links to same source as above

Here’s a closeup of the head gazing upward

after getting banished below.

St. John foresaw the event

that banished that being down into Earth (verse 7-9).

The poet Goethe expressed this inner tug of war  thusly :

“ One impulse art thou conscious of, at best;

O, never seek to know the other !

Two souls, alas! reside within my breast,

And each withdraws from, and repels, its brother.

One with tenacious organs holds in love

And clinging lust the world in its embraces;

The other strongly sweeps this dust above,

Into the high ancestral spaces.”

( Here’s a glimpse into rather deep, core realities that sculpture indicates:

( One can note the top figure at and above the Savior’s left side is rather distorted,

(really quite stretched and attenuated

(compared to its previous state on the Savior’s right side.

( Rudolf Steiner said that figure represents residues of Luciferic influences

still actively misleading human beings nowadays.

( But Lucifer himself gained redemption by leading humanity, especially the Jews

(over the course of at least centuries

 ( to evolve a body capable of  bearing The Savior, Christos,

( during the three years He incarnated in Jesus’  body :

( That redemption is indicated when on the Cross

( The Savior informs the thief crucified on His Left

( will be joining Him in Paradise. (  Luke 23:43 )

 ( Ever since, our Redeemer limits how much Luciferic tendencies

(are able to distract, mislead we humans:

(  The stretched, attenuated figure above and on The Savior’s left side

(represents leftover residues of  Fallen Lucifer’s workings.

( But Lucifer himself  now always works in harmony, assists our Redeemer :

(  No longer Lucifer :  that being is now called  The Paraclete:  The Holy Spirit :

The Spirit of Truth .

( Since that new member of  The Trinity now serves Our Savior quite helpfully,

(Our Savior no longer has to restrain him,

(rather : That redeemed one assists,

(  helps lead especially us :  Their redemption projects

 (into ever more oneness with Reality :

oneness with Divine Truth :

( Ever supporting lots of potentials for learning to become ever better helpmates

 (as The Divine ever coax and support us becoming familiar with,

( learning how to contribute, assist the present universe

(evolving, becoming redeemed into The New Universe where Peace prevails.)

(( Although to our knowledge, Rudolf Steiner never stated it,

(( we suspect the somewhat pensive figure  →

(( at the top left, just above the figure representing Lucifer

(( actually represents how Lucifer rose upward, achieved redemption:

   ((  became

The Spirit of Truth.))


We have no doubt the horrendous,

utterly unprecedented horrors of  last century

were a symptom,

were manifestations of  the woes St. John foresaw  (also linked above).

Yet again:

Each of us is one instance of

The Whole:

all and everything,

all existence:

a Microcosm.

Well . .

We’re still not satisfied; here’s something of a coda:

Raphael’s exquisitely wondrous effort

to represent what it was like

when the so unimaginably vastly loving Heart of All Existence

led Mary and Joseph to provide an Earthly abode

for their so precious offspring:

Raphael hints at how things were in the heavens at that birth

via all those faces he painted behind the curtain:

 Each, after all Their vast eons of preparation

  so longingly yearning to be with The Savior

  during His so uniquely sublimely wondrous

  sojourn in a body among us,

accompanied by virtually all the hosts of Heaven

singing praise and glory like never before:


Georg Friedrich Handel made quite a job of  it imagining,

intuiting how that may have sounded:

click to listen

In case further interested, here’s

The Mormon Tabernacle Choir’s also glorious version.

That page also includes a concise account

of the muchly astounding way that entire so wondrous, so uplifting,

so sublimely glorious oratorio came into being,

including scores for all the numerous instruments in the orchestra,

in just over three weeks ! !

It’s as if angels were actually moving the hand holding his pen

like a flying wing as he composed ! !

But that’s more a sideshow

to how Handel’s soul was unimaginably intensely involved

in sensing not only all the singers’ and soloists’ notes

but all those for nine different instrumental scores as well !

— Further :  On quite a different note, as mentioned above:

The Divine make both sorts of bodies,

hence we prefer expressing what They sang more like this:

 “ Suddenly a multitude of angels joined in praising The Divine

“ and wishing Peace on earth and loving mercy towards all people.”


“ For  The Divine   omnipotent reigneth…”

Other  non-binary options include  “Source . .”  or  “Heart  of  All ” . .  etc.

Finally :  Here’s a song of hope the promise of that birth is being fulfilled.

Also: Here’s a piano playing the classic tune,

and here are the lyrics

in case you want to sing along . .

including the hope

humanity will  “ wake from haunted sleep”  whence:

“ Earth shall be fair and all her people one.”

(first published in 1932)

Plus here is the original hymn it’s based on.

Oh, goodness!  Now there’s a need to have a female solo, too !

And, thankfully, here’s  a lovely recording of another classic hymn,

also from The Messiah.

Oh!  Here’s an even more sublime singer’s version!

(Bit of a drawback, however, is solely electronic accompaniment.)

And now really finally, at risk of offending some sensibilities:

John’s Gospel reports The Savior spoke of himself as The Vine.

And some nowadays pronounce  Divine  like

Da  Vine.

image source

John 15

And now here’s a neutral rendering of the last sentence:

Those who dwell in me, as I in them, bear much fruit.

And now, realy, really finally:

Oh, Auntie Em,

There’s no place like home !

And regardless however much one fights, denies it . .

The truth is :

We’re  ALWAYS  home :

EVER wrapped in the sublimely warm,

wondrously most precious,

most heartfelt embrace


of   The unimaginably vastly loving Divine*

How Lovely ! ! !

And here’s a lovely report how humanity received

the above additional gift of sublime music,

including the words being sung (English version).

*Again: The Divine are neither male nor female,

rather the Source of  every sort of human, of course:

This is the most heartfelt embracing pic we found.

Please share if you know a better one…

And now really, really, really finally:

here are ideas on interpreting

the image depicting reincarnation

at the beginning of that section above.

If theres still room for a bit more . .

Heres something also watery like our planet,

but on a rather more mundane level,

something of a dessert especially lots of American bodies would appreciate,

contributed by a retired physician.

It’s basically addressing what happens inside, in ones body,

when one drinks a glass of water – whether bottled or tap:

What is the net effect overall of that water on ones body?

Plus: Then one doesnt drink nor eat anything else for a couple hours or so.

 – By the way: From experiences in medical realms,

some of us know these answers tend to be hard to swallow,

for pretty much everybody. – apologies about the pun!

Also: In the decades one of us advised patients

as hidden in the below answer paragraphs,

countless of them responded with much gratitude for learning this basic physiology,

that also significantly benefited their household budgets.

In the first place: Where in the body does one find pure water?

[  If so: Silence is suggesting the correct answer, it’s . . ]

– If needed, click here for the answer.

Hence: What is the actual, real outcome of drinking pure water? 

– In simplest terms . .

click here for this answer.

AFTERWORDs, especially re: authorship,

some background and expectations, plus some gratitudes,

plus a suggestion for further reading

Nowadays lots of folks in the West like to think ones ideas are ones own.

Especially admired are individuals like Einstein . .

and the second UN General Secretary, Dag Hammarskold

who was the seminal glue nurturing unprecedented global diplomacy

in The United Nations infancy following World War II.

As mentioned, weve mainly been sharing

what we have been so fortunate to learn

most especially from that human,

but really more like angelic being

Rudolf Steiner,

father of:

Waldorf pedagogy

BioDynamic agriculture

cultivating health and healing via Anthroposophical perspectives

therapeutic pedagogy for those with special needs

a huge contributor to Goetheanistic Science and Phenomenology

at least a towering genius if not the final word in Epistemology

originator of a new art altogether : Eurythmy

creator of dramatic representations of Spiritual Initiation

a great inspirer and innovator in visual arts

originator of an inspiring, life-imitating architecture style

a genius in structural engineering

initiator of a deeper relationship with Our Lord and Savior

— the above just minusculely indicating his colossal triumphs…

If he’s not at least close to becoming

if not already an angel,

it becomes considerably harder to imagine what it takes to get there.

Furthermore, whether one acknowledges it or not,

 the old saying is very true:

“The morning is often wiser than the evening :”

Similarly to how The Divine work on each of us between lifetimes

to grant us fresh potentials for ones next incarnation,

 They also try to further polish us, not least our ideas and perspectives, at night

when we are in the state that during the day, during what we call being awake

we refer to as having been asleep.

In the now more than two years since we started,

every day we worked toward what has now culminated as this web site

we noticed They had given us fresh plus clearer ways

to describe things than previously:

 Weve really just been, at most,

a teensy bit more than scribes

rather to very clumsily trying

to take down Their wondrous dictations  ( John 10 ) ;

. .  or something of a womb wherein this project formed, became itself.

Otherwise, we are more like some others of we humans: plenty of regrets.

It’s kinda like what Winston Churchill may well have thought about Americans,

even if he never said it out loud:

One can always count on them to do the right thing . .

. . after they’ve tried everything else.

If  we’re given more worthwhile to share,

well do so.

Finally: A bit why we scribes prefer anonymity:

There are all sorts of folks on this Planet of Lessons,

and there is no small number

who tend to feel threatened by at least one of these perspectives,

along with rather many sorts of vested interests . .

and some folks get kinda unpredictable when threatened…

Truth is vastly far more crucial

than any one or even loads of  human beings trying to serve it.

Here’s a bit more about this site,

including a few acknowledgments.

And please note this site is NOT copyright.

We very much encourage spreading the word !

however you feel inclined …

Like they say: There’s no such thing as bad publicity.

Also, as mentioned above:

For any interested in a much deeper,

rather comprehensive historical sketch of the political and especially spiritual forces

that drove the tragic outcome of what Western bishops count as the Eighth Ecumenical Council

in 869 AD when Eastern Bishops finally lost all hope

of defending the idea each individual human spirit reincarnates,

plus lists several ways this tragedy still wreaks havoc on especially Western humanity,

this article provides a cogent, succinct summary,

plus links to numerous sources with supporting evidence.

PS  Re: browsers

Personally, we prefer Firefox,

but with 2/3 of surfers, we felt compelled to optimize for Chrome

until we discovered Firefox renders color better.

Were not at all techies, just some hacks.