
About This Site

It took well over a year of efforts by several human beings

to launch what is now this site’s main page:

Three Discoveries Greatly Revealing

How and What

All Existing Really Is

It initially began as a proposal for an oral presentation,

but then the idea came to post it on the web.

In actuality, it’s a culmination of experiences

multiple human beings have been so blessed to receive

over decades.

In truth, we’ve really just been, at most, errand runners scrambling,

rather clumsily trying to keep up with how The Divine

want this labor of  Their Love to be . .

something like spawn trying to get oriented

in Their womb incubating The New Jerusalem:

exploring what morsels are most nourishing ,

most helpful groping toward the full reality

of   Their so sublime Truth, selflessness . .

unimaginably vast if  not limitless


Hence, at most,

we’ve been a teensy bit more than scribes

very clumsily trying to grab, get hold of,

hear . .  plus record  Their whisperings

how better to grasp,

relate to how vastly overwhelming

all and everything . .

how incredibly wondrous

all existing


We want to take this opportunity to express gratitude

especially to NameCheap.com for great hosting.

It was at least in the dozens of times

their superlative support team

knew exactly what we needed.

Plus a special shout-out to Bare Bones Software

for incomparably gracious, wonderfully helpful  plus transparent

web-building software

— at least for those of us:  Incorrigible perfectionists

insisting on fiddling layout down to the millimeter.

Plus not least:


At least in numerous hundreds if not thousands of times

Their algorithm dished up exactly what we needed . .

with the very welcome bonus of not tracking us!

reach:   us ⧚ at ⧛ yes < da$h >  d👂 ●  ☞ 1 ☜

we regret being unable to promise a reply

We will acknowledge any suggestions we incorporate.

If you wish any such to be anonymous,

we will honor that preference.


      Change Date
initial launch        Aug 2024