

Three Discoveries Revealing Crucial Aspects

How and What Existence Actually Is

*worth mentioning

2 Jan 24

astronomers just acknowledged major discovery that defies current ideas

search page for “dozens”

17 Dec

various further polishings, including further explication re: James Webb discovery

13 Dec

added mention of Seven Life Processes corresponding to Seven Planetary Spheres

plus further explication what is driving global warming (in concluding section)

Further point how telescope images of stars are just single points of light

30 Nov

hence: Claims of planets orbiting stars are little more than flights of fancy.

29 Nov

added further comment on Eve’s role in Sistine painting

28 Nov

further perspectives how these discoveries broaden understanding

also added link to source of Voyager graphic on NASA site

27 Nov

further comments how NASA’s James Webb discovery

requires huge rethinking what starry worlds are

Plus various polishings

22 Nov

added paradigm-demolishing James Webb telescope discovery NASA just revealed

19 Nov

appended further discussion re: global warming

18 Nov

additional polishings, plus clarification of Eve's process

as she emerges from The Heart’s home (concluding remarks)

15 Nov

more minor polishings and improved wordings,

especially regarding genes and the origin of Life

10 – 12 Nov

mostly minor polishings plus some improved wordings;

also added comment about Kali Yuga.

8 Nov (late)

more appropriate names of 12 Senses in Zodiac image

plus link to extensive discussion on YouTube

8 Nov

added core reason so many cling to atom fantasies

appended image of where concept of space is relevant

some more polishings

6 Nov

a few more polishings

5 Nov

further polishings, mostly cosmetic, tidying

4 Nov

Formatting overhaul adjusting to current browsers

primarily Chrome since it dominates in US,

where needs for improved understandings are rather large.

31 Oct

lots of polishings necessary to improve compatibility with web

28 Oct

various polishings, especially to discussion how

Zodiac constellations form and ever animate bodily senses

25 Oct

added lemon or vinegar water to beverage suggestions at end

24 Oct

more polishings, plus much improved description of nature of starry worlds

19 Oct

further polishings, plus much improved discussion of water intake issues

16-17 Oct 23

various polishings, plus improved concluding explications;

also added personal vignettes of elders providing very helpful guidance in our youths,

inserted before concluding tip about keeping hydrated.