
source of this image

We’re not sure what several elements

in this image depicting reincarnation are meant to represent.

It seems the elder dying on the left is consumed by the fire at death’s feet,

thence enters and becomes reenlivened inside the tree

– Tree of  Life ? –

that looks dead or dying on the left side,

but appears alive on the right.

Thence something resembling a face among the right lower branches of the tree

with at least what seem eyes and a nose, and perhaps a jaw as well:

appears to be gazing down at a bright image perhaps suggesting a white dove

that seems to have formed as the luminous figureofeight

emerged from behind, or perhaps from inside the tree behind the woman.

(Plus a figure strongly resembling a maiden

(is just behind that somewhat grotesque face:

(along what seems a pair of eyes behind her.

(Perhaps the artist has in mind that individual’s Guardian Angel

(that is in turn guided by a less substantial but more capable,

(wiser Divine Being.

(– On the other hand: Could what seem two eyes of a grotesque face

(be the two hands of the maiden reaching out?)

The luminous figureofeight  has what seems a snake head,

more noticeable in this enlarged close-up:

Its mouth seems gaping wide open to swallow a small silvery object.

This object its mouth seems about to grab

or is disgorging ( ? )

looks something like a trophy or stickshift,

but whatever is meant is puzzling to us.

There seems an implication the luminous woman becomes pregnant as a result,

whence an infant is released by her left hand:

Perhaps the small threepointed form next to her right knee

represents a conceptus:

image source  (or click image)

. . that in turn seems to have arisen from the tiny, flaming figure at death’s feet

 that is in fact a miniature of when he contracted into holding onto his lower legs

at the left side of the figureofeight :

Perhaps that tiny figure at death’s feet

represents something of the residue of karma left from that previous life.

Perhaps then the luminous dove core or essence,

the eternal spark that dwelled in the old man, hence survived purgatory,

has in the meantime been rejuvenated, refreshed

by reconnecting with the Sources of Existence,

indicated by that lightfilled, luminous lemniscate,

is now on a journey toward that spark’s next incarnation

when, inside the woman’s womb

it will reunite with that residue of karma

( far more likely as a female next – unlike as illustrated ).